I was watching some hunting shows on tv recently, I believe it was bucksmasters. I caught the tail end of the hunt, right before the hunter got his buck. He was hunting a bean field, and it must of been pre rut or rut. He had a tinks scent bombs in the field. A little buck came up to it. He was curious about the smell produced by the scent bomb. He smelled it a few times, but by his body language, the smell made him very uneasy. The young buck troted off like he knew something wasn't right.
The second incodent happened to a friend of mine during bow season a few years ago. We use to use the film can set up with the cotton ball. Well he had a film can out with estrus scent in it. A group of doe's walk on the trial he had it on. One doe caught wind of it, looked at the can and kicked it! The doe began to weeze and ran off.
I experiment ever bow season with the proper scents through out the bow season. But have found that deer don't really care for them. I haven't had negative results like it scaring the deer away. I've seen young bucks stick there noise in the air smelling my doe pee, or estrus, and not giving a hoot about it. They just keep on walking by.
What have you guys discovered from using scents? Have you found it's made them uneasy at some points?
Good hunting
The second incodent happened to a friend of mine during bow season a few years ago. We use to use the film can set up with the cotton ball. Well he had a film can out with estrus scent in it. A group of doe's walk on the trial he had it on. One doe caught wind of it, looked at the can and kicked it! The doe began to weeze and ran off.
I experiment ever bow season with the proper scents through out the bow season. But have found that deer don't really care for them. I haven't had negative results like it scaring the deer away. I've seen young bucks stick there noise in the air smelling my doe pee, or estrus, and not giving a hoot about it. They just keep on walking by.
What have you guys discovered from using scents? Have you found it's made them uneasy at some points?
Good hunting