Have you had a bad experience with CWD or what?
as a layperson, I have followed the science of the TSE prion disease, and been on a list with scientist, government officials and industry reps from all over the world studying this hideous disease called the BSE-list serve or BSE-L since I lost my mother to the Heidenhain Variant of Creutzfeldt Jakob disease December 14, 1997. I got on the BSE-L around a year later in 1998. from there, I was asked to start putting my research of science on the www. so I did. during this time period, the BSE INQUIRY was happening. this inquiry went on daily for months. at the time, nothing was on the web, it was all hard copy being sent via Her Majesties AIRMAIL, then I would scan, and get online. well, actually, at that time I was printing it all out by hand. then years later, the old stuff I had got via air London, was eventually put online. but then the urls would change, and I would have to figure the new urls out. most governments that have data on the www, they wish was not there, will simply change the urls every now and then. I am a meat eater (not nearly as much as I use to be, I don't like prions, cancer, feces, urine, and NOW LSD recently, on my meat). yes, just a few days ago there was LSD laced meat bought at Walmart.
see latest massive CLASS 1 HIGH RISK beef recall here ;
Thursday, March 6, 2014
TEXAS RECALL LIST MASSIVE FROM DEAD STOCK DOWNER CANCER COWS OFFAL from Class I Recall 002-2014 and 013-2014 Health Risk: High Jan 13, 2014 and Feb 8, 2014 shipped to Texas, Florida, and Illinois UPDATE FEBRUARY 14, 2014
see the history of my research of mad cow type disease i.e. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE prion disease here ;
Monday, March 10, 2014
Investigators study silent variant of mad cow disease Galveston Daily News March 4, 2014
I am pro-gun, pro-hunter. thought I could change a few things. but those thoughts have been fading fast. ...can't say I did not try.
kind regards,