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doe chasing doe?


Saw some strange events this past weekend. Two reddish colored does walked under my stand then I could hear quick steps coming up behind them. When I looked back I saw a gray doe making a b-line for the other two does. Once to them she stuck her nose in their rears and tried to mount one of them which caused them to run off. What was going on there?

A little while later I spied two bucks on the hillside one was a shooter. They were coming my way but those does came back which caused the bucks to turn and go the other way. Why did they not come check the does? Why were the two bucks together? I thought they didn't tolerate each other during this part of the year?

Was the gray doe kicking a$$ and taking names? Antlerless buck maybe?

Sometimes our cows will mount another cow when they are comimg into heat and we don't have a bull with them. Never heard of it before, but maybe deer do the same thing???
We either have exactly what Bobcat was mentioning about the bovine species or this may be the first case of lesbianism in whitetailed deer. I suppose an antlerless buck could be the Grey one but would guess an antlered deer would have cleaned his clock by now and he would be submissive.
Explain this one. One of my honey-holes was covered up with cattle the other night.I sat down and watched them for a while. I saw an older cow mount a young bull. He seemed to like it.
I saw two does do the same thing for the first time this season. The doe doing the mounting layed her chin on the top of the back first and then saddled up. They stayed within sight for a while and then a buck gave chase to the one being mounted. Bobcat is right that it seems very similar to what the cows do.
I believe what you may have witnessed was two alternative lifestyle does.
ive never seen two does do that, i seen what i thought was but turned out to be a button buck mounting its momma
Anyone who has been around cattle has seen this many times. When a cow or heifer comes into heat and no bulls are present the other females will ride and that female all day. They ride her so often that the hair on her hips will be wore off so that it's quite obvious she is in heat. I've witnessed this mounting action with mule deer females that have come into heat. I have yet to see this activity between whitetails. I'm not positive that is what Tomo saw but it's my best guess.
I'll tell you why I think two bucks (one being a shooter) would'nt come into the doe in heat. Because the Big SOB that claims those does was back in the timber watching you watch the other deer!! I don't know. If it was me thats what I would be day dreaming about when I left my stand.
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