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Doe decoy success.


New Member
Used a doe decoy last night for the first time. Set her up in the field so that she was visible from the timber and about 20 yards upwind of my ground blind......and the does poured in! I had 8 turkeys to the west of my blind that were keeping me entertained. I looked back in the direction of the decoy and "she" was accompanied by a button buck. He stayed for about 2 hrs, never straying more than 15 yards from the decoy. Several mature does stepped out and appoached the decoy, almost all worked downwind of it. One doe actually licked the decoys neck. None of the does spooked. I was set up in that area because of the 150 class 10 I saw a night before who was checking on a doe that had stepped out into that field. My fingers were crossed, hoping to pull him out into the open and with all the doe activity around the decoy, my hopes were high. I would be posting a pic of the beast had he showed himself last night so needless to say, he didn't. I do think over all, the decoy was a successful ad-on to my bag of tricks. I'll let you guys, and Kat, know if the decoy generates any interest from the half of the species with headgear. I'm in hopes that it will.
You keep using that decoy and maybe the bucks will cross the road and come over to my side.

Good luck Dave
I just got back from Dunhams and saw something I haven't seen or heard of. A buck decoy that's inflatable, ears and tail move with the wind. It was cheep, $30 I think. Has anyone used one of these and did it work?
Oh.... Mike! You had my puzzled for a sec.

I've seen two nice 140's over on your side of the road. I started seeing them about 4 weeks ago. I always saw them follow a doe and a set of twins into Doc's field. Never saw them come out alone. Saw the 8, 4 or 5 times and the heavy 8, 3 times. Haven't seen them for a couple weeks. Always saw them staging in the S.E. corner of Doc's field. You had any luck on the "bad" side of the road? I've passed on 7 does. Two of which where last night using the decoy, smart a*$

I'll come look you up next time I see you at the truck. D
Slow on my side. My scrapes are starting to see some action over the last couple days, won't be long and things will pick up. Thanks for the good news and I will see you in a few days.
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