Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Doe Harvest


New Member
I know that this is only a doe picture but I wanted share it with everyone because it was just a great hunt I got to spend with my two boys Jed & Jarrett. Saturday night I took my boys out hunting on my buddies farm with him to fill my last doe tag. Arriving at three and to make a long story short after two hours of asking questions, stick playing, grass pulling, bark throwing, having to pee, dirt digging, “I’m bored”, “When are they coming out”, “I think we should move”, “I’m thirsty”, “Did you bring anything to eat” (all mentors and fathers know the routine), it happened. A little before five this doe came strolling in feeding into the corn field and made her way into sixty yards of our set-up. Five minutes later it was all done. They got to see the whole scenario unfold right in front of them. Her feeding in, the shot and her dropping with in site. I knew they would be excited but man I tell you what they were jumping around high fiving each other, giving hugs and saying how cool that was. I thought they were going to run right past her when I gave the signal to go out and look at her. It was a great time I had with them and some memories that all of us will always have. The feeling I got watching them was priceless.

That's what it's all about Jethro. I have a 3 yr old daughter and I hope and pray she will be interested. She already wants to go shed hunting with me.
Congratulations, awesome!!!!

I can totally relate to this! I took my two boys earlier this year. I placed them in a pop up blind while I sat outside. They giggled, they wrestled and just about the time I figured the deer would be coming, they had to step out of the blind to pee. I just had to laugh at the whole situation and tell myself maybe next time.

Glad it worked out for you!
Awesome pics there JETHRO they're some keepers, the pics and the boys. Nothing like sharing hunting with the little guys.
Jethro...I have one word to describe that picture---AWESOME!!! Your boys will hold that hunt in their head for a long time to come. It's not just a doe hunt, it was a quality hunt with your boys and you got a deer to boot. My boy is 21 months and I could totally picture both of us in that photo. I would be running to some place to get that photo blown up to a 5x7 or 8x10 and it would be on my wall!!!

It does not get any better then that.I was right beside my son on his first turkey and it's a hunt that I will cherish to the end.What a day that was,I remember every detail of that hunt and I'm sure Matt does too.
Way to go Jethro and thank's for sharing your hunt and picture's with us.That is AWSOME!
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