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Doe Sizes????


we all have taken many does in our lifetimes, and seen countless others. was kinda wondering what your largest doe ever was? i was reading an article out of last months issue of "deer and deer hunting" and there was a right up in the "Legends of The Deer Woods" article about 150 pound does and how rare it is for a hunter to take one over 150 pounds let alone see one! i beg to differ. i myself have killed many does and most have been between the 115 to 140 range but i have 3 under my belt that tipped the scales over 150 pounds field dressed, one back in '96 weighed 161 pounds field dressed, one in '97 weighing 163 pounds field dressed and one in 2002 tipping the scales at 168 pounds field dressed. my brother-in-law just killed one last fall weighing 154 field dressed! now i'm not saying that there are does like this running everywhere but i bet that i see atleast 6-8 every year that would push the scales to 150 or better! what do you think?
I think that would be a pretty safe bet.I know that I have seen some pretty decent sized does this year already.With fall comin they are gonna be packin it on for winter.I know that in the past I have seen plenty that would go 150+.
I hunted the first Springbrook management hunt years ago and shot an ear tagged doe #138.They had records of her being livetrapped 7 1\2 years earlier.She was 8 years old and if I remember correctly we weighed her at the check in station and she weighed somewhere around 180.
Like bucks, I've never actually weighed a doe but I agree splitg3, I've seen does that were bigger than the 2 1/2 year old bucks they were standing beside and a 200 pound live weight young buck is pretty common, saw a doe last year with a white ring around her neck, first glance and I was positive she was a buck, she was BIG.
i think it depends on what part of the country your in. here in iowa and north of us i would say it is not rare to take a doe over 150lbs. the pic on my avator is of a doe i took 2 years ago. i did not weigh her but i'm almost positive she was over 150lbs. if you look she probly was heavier than the buck that is pictured.
A guy in my shotgun group shot two does last year that dwarfed anything else we'd shot in the past two years, including bucks. If they weren't 200 pounds "on the hoof" I'd eat my hat.
I think the biggest thing is just letting them get old, i would think any corn fed doe in iowa that got to live over 5 years would be at least 150 pounds. For example i hunt a small piece in city limits that you can bowhunt and virtually nobody ever shoots does, i will see around 20-40 a night. those does are huge, my dad and i have both shot does over 150 pounds and those arent even the big ones by any means. another place i hunt is high into qdm and 300-400 does get shot off it each year, if you shoot a 120 pound doe, you have killed a big doe. about the average doe in there i have killed is 90 pounds dressed and that is a respectable doe in there. I think about the biggest doe i have ever heard of in there was around 140 pounds field dressed. so therefore on the one farm they get to be old and big and the other place they get shot up by their 2nd or 3rd year and just dont have the time to put on the weight. that's just what i feel anyways
The doe i shot with bow last year was around 145 lbs. field dressed, she was a pretty average for a mature doe around here in my opinion.
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