This is why you NEED many cameras!!!
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As you get better at "hunting" with your camera you'll get a much more accurate picture of the herd where you hunt and a better picture of their travel habits.
I find that some bucks after being flashed will move their trail a few feet to the back side of the cam.
Then again I've had some really nice bucks that seemed to pose for pic after pic.
if you've got what you think is a fairly representative batch of pics you can figure out a rough estimate of buck to doe ratio like this:
Say you've got 25 pics of bucks that include 5 individual bucks (wait until a part of the year when you can distinguish bucks from each other by antlers, like now through Jan)
5 bucks divided by 25 pics = .2 (individual bucks per buck pic)
you've got 100 pics of does, using the individual bucks/buck pic ratio (again assuming that you're approximately as good at getting buck pics as doe pics)
you can approximate the # of individual does.
100 doe pics x .2 (Individuals per pic ratio) = 20 does
5 bucks and 20 does or 4 does per buck.
Of course it's all an estimate, buck ranges change in the fall, your hunting territory won't cover the whole home range of all the deer you photo ect.
but it's a place to start.