Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



J Becker

When do you guys get serious on does? Bow? Shotugn? Antlerless?....

We usually hit them hard durring both shotgun seasons (landowner tags)

I usually hit them real hard the first two weeks of bow season, then shotgun, late muzzleloader, and the late doe season
Good article in Peterson's Bowhunting about does as "live bait". I have to agree. If you are still trying to kill a big buck, I'd let the does alone. Lots of time to kill does after the rut. I'm hunting the same spot I did last year. Saw 1 shooter buck on the property all of last year, seen 6 different shooter bucks on it this year. Only major difference is a food source that is holding does. I wouldn't kill any of them for the world right now!
I agree that the more does you have on your property during the rut the more bucks you will see. We are starting to lay off taking too many does this year and we can really tell the difference on the amount of bucks we are seeing.
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