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Doesnt make Pope and Young



Got my deer officialy scored last night, thought it was a shoe-inn. But with 36 inches of deduction he scores 114" Typical and 145" Non-Typ. Had me deer from last scored as well, he finished at 134" + change. Once again Im not pleased with scoring systems.
Don't worry about making " that book". Those are great deer and trophy's to anyone with a true spirit of hunting. Congratulations on you success and best of luck in future hunts. I know alot of people that have book deer that aren't even registered, they don't care....
Corey - if it will make you feel better go ahead and mail me that rack off the buck on top!
Don't get too hung up about the number. That buck was a trophy before you had him scored and he's still the same deer that he was. Numbers don't define trophies anyway.

The reason why the scores got docked was because of the significant assymmetry in the rack's main frame. Both typicals and non-tyicals need to have good symmetry in the main frame if they are to score well, and the non-typical points are simply additions or deductions depending on which way it is scored (typical or non-typical)
P&Y have a loop hole in their scoring system, I have two bucks very similar to your top buck and neither make it for the same reason that yours don't, 15-20" of deductions. Don't let it bother you, the memories and excitement over rule the book anyday of the week for me. By the way sweet buck!
I was ALMOST IN THE BOONER BOOK IN OHIO but ended up 151 and my 2 Mi bucks are a perfecto 126!!! MONROE-NOBLE CT. WHAT CT. SMOKE??
That is a beautiful animal.To me the book wouldn't matter because I put in the sweat and tears hunting it and I am proud of it.You did good.I'd hang him on my wall any day of the week.
Great buck in anyones book! Don't let the net score bum you out, nets are for fishing, the gross score is what tells the real story.
Listen to what these people are saying. Good words to live by.

Those are nice bucks in anyones book,


I agree with everyone and thank you for your support. I know he is a trophy and that why he is getting mounted and thats why I have that big smile on my face. I just cant help but feel robbed when the biggest and most mature deer Ive ever shot doesnt make Pope and Young. Thanks again

As others have replied, don’t get hung up on “Official Score Sheets”. For me, as well as many others on this site the trophy is in the hunt. No one can take that memory way from you. Please don’t let “official scores” dampen the hunting experience.

But since we have a B/C & a P/Y IMO they should throw away those deductions on score cards and score a deer by gross score only.

Often those of us that do refer to a score when talking about a particular buck are using the “score” as a reference for other knowledgeable hunters.

Those are some very nice deer you posted. Congratulations on harvesting them.

who gives a crap about P&Y or B&C? don't get me wrong, i would love to get a buck big enough, but i would never enter one. i don't hunt for them, or anyone else. i hunt for myself, and my freezer.

they are great deer, don't worry about what they scored
Great deer Corey and I under stand how you feel. The scoring system is what it is. The last time I had a deer offically measured it was just a little disappointing for me as well. I believe I'll keep them to myself in the future. That is one extreemly sweet buck!!

When do you start your new job in Des Moines?
Score, schmore! Was it a mature animal? Yes. Were you excited about him at the time? Yes. Do you consider him a trophy? Yes.

Forget the score sheet, who's to say that one buck is better than another because his antlers happened to grow in a more symmetrical pattern or didn't get knocked off when he was rubbing that telephone post, etc. Scores are reference point, and only that, relax and enjoy him.
Corey, my thoughts are similar to the others that have been shared - Screw the score ! Remember how you felt when you saw that buck coming your way. And remember how you felt when you walked up to him after making the shot. A good score is a fun bonus, but that's all it is. Congrats on great bucks. Also, it was good to meet you during the classic.
Congrats medisnoke,still two great bucks no matter how you look at them.It can be a real let down at times taking a non typical and scoring it as typical.I found this out last year with a 157+ non typical that only goes in the 130's typical.Sometimes these scores really don't do the deer much justness,as in your case and you just have to forget about scores at times.

First really nice buck I ever arrowed (nearly 20 years ago now) was just a dandy typical 8. I was so pumped, and couldn't wait to have him mounted. In the process I had it "officially" scored for P&Y because the taxidermist said it was guaranteed in. Ready for this...official net=124 1/8. It really took something away from how great I felt about it, and that's just plain stupid.

I've taken a few more decent bucks over the years; even a couple I'm sure would make it. And while I may have put the tape on them myself just for curiosity, they're never going to get officially scored. I just don't see the point. Enjoy the mount and forget the number

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