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Dog Shock Collar


It is going to be a good fall!
I am not a big fan of shock collars, my last lab never needed one, but I have a puppy (yellow lab) that is not quite "as good" about listening. Can anyone give me advice on a collar to buy, good brand and approx. price?

I run all tri-tronics.... With that said I would not put a collar on a puppy under 16 weeks, or until you know that they know what you are asking of them. E-collars are great tools when used right but can cause a mountain of problems!
I second the Tri-Tronics brand. I have a G3 Sports Basic and you get them for around $240. You can even run more than one collar with the controller.
Third Tri-Tronics. I have one that is about 8 years old and the remote looks like the first hand held cell phones that came out. Both the remote and collar hold a charge just as they did new out of the box and that's after a couple seasons of non use just sitting in the garage. If you've never used one before do some reading up on using them. Your dog can get conditioned to them and only do what you want when it's on, but revert back to bad habits when it's off.
Tri-Tronics here also. Been using them since the 80's. Like said before there is some great info out there on how to use a remote collar, so read or watch up on it. I always have my yard work done mostly by using a 25 ft. check cord till the pup understands the comands we are working on. The collar is just an extention of the check cord once you hit the field. I don't know what you are wanting needing to work on, but is only a tool, and the dog need to understand the commands before you reinforce with a collar.
Tri-Tronics fan here too but please heed all the above advice. I would highly highly highly recommend you follow a program when using an e-collar for the first time. They can do WAY more damage than good if improperly used. I followed the Fowl Dogs program by Rick Stawski and had very impressive results with my black lab. When used properly, your lab should be excited to see the e-collar come out because it means he is going to get to do something fun-either training or hunting. He should have no idea that the stimulus he receives is coming from that collar.

Here is a great forum for dog training that will give you tons more info:


Good luck. Please do your research and use this TOOL (that is all it is, a tool, and nothing more) properly and you will end up with an enthusiastic, confident, hardcharging and obedient pal. If you use it improperly, you will end up with a skittish, confused, and reluctant dog that is unsure of anything. Also remember to keep your emotions out of it when training as nothing good can come from it when you get frustrated. It is better to just hang it up for the day and return tomorrow.
To be honest, I am not sure I will buy one. My last two dogs have been just unbelievable without one. The last yellow lab was with me on at least 600 pheasant harvests in MN, ND, SD in 11 years.

I am just not sure. Thanks for the advice!
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