Well that made it sound like my dog doesn't listen at all lol the way i put it, she listens very well I just never put the time into teaching her heal, stay, or whatever, she doesn't run off or anything doesn't chase birds deer rabbits or anything, and if we are walking back on the road I will let her hunt the ditches till I see a car coming and I will say her name and she comes back to my side, if I were to use her in field trials or anything then I would spend more time with it, I am going to buy a whoa collar for sure tho I do want to teach her tho, but thats bout the only thing, Is it harder to teach an older dog something? or is it still like when they are a puppy and do it repeditive?
I would have to agree with them somewhat about being hardheaded, I also think that it takes them longer than say a shorthair to figure things out, but I am no dog trainer at all lol.
Mchunter, I had that book but i never read very much of it wish I would of but I hate to read maybe I should of read it for an english project or somethin lol.
Thanks for the help, she is a good dog other than the fact with the whole quail thing.
I have another question since we are on dogs, I have a 2 year old lab who is gun shy does anyone know how to break them of that? I have tried taking her out letting her smell the gun, starting with just a simple pellet gun, and going to a .22 and working my way up to a 12 gauge. I have petted her, threw a dummy out and had someone else fire the gun but she just hunkers down and gets very scared. Ive also tried shooting around her with my other dog out trying to get her to see that it is fine but she still gets very scared and I try to talk to her and encourage her the whole time but I have a feeling she is just gonna be a yard crapper.