Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Don't need no stinking 4WD


Well-Known Member
The mighty mighty Corsican busted 100,000 miles opening weekend of 2nd season... wouldn't you know it that it was in the middle of a cornfield amidst a thunderstorm!! Yes, I had to get out and take a picture of the 100,000th mile.

It only overheated a LITTLE bit on the way out through the drainage.

Nice work, Mudster. You've only got 30,000 miles to go to catch up with my F150.

Was the dancin' banana decal still on the back window to celebrate with ya?
I've never owned a vehicle with under a 100,000 miles on it. I can still remember where I was when 3 of mine hit 200,00 and can remember where I was when the ole chev hit 250,000. I got about 24,000 before the saturn gets broken in at 200,000. Congratulations Muddy, your car is finally broken in.
Should send it in to Chevy Muddy. A Corsica with over 100K is unheard of.

Three of my Yota's had 265K, 245K, and 215K when I sold them. The one I drive now has 196K and just gettin broke in....
Your correct Muddy,... you don't need a four wheel drive to drive through a dry corn field.

I'm impressed!
I especially like the Kisky touch, a pure classic
I think those tires would look good on the saturn
Effin' awesome Rudd. Now, to complete the Muddymobile you need to put a bumper sticker on it that says "No Fat Chicks"
Muddy doesn't want to hurt his back helping those fat chicks with their hot friends into that hi-rise machine!
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