Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Double Bull


Premium Platinum Member
I am looking for a used DB. I've go at T5 prostaffer, and am looking for another one. It can be a little older. I just am not ready to buy the matrix yet. Or is it really worth it???

Just send me a PM>? thanks.
Shoot gunrunr a PM I think you would be surprised at what you can get a Matrix for from him.

After hunting out of the Matrix for the last two years I don't think I could go back to the T5 or the BS5 again.
I love the matrix as well, I've hunted out of 3 other types of the double bull blinds, and it is by far the best in my opinion. I like the T2 the next best. I just like the matrix because I feel like I can actually see and cover alot of area. When I am turkey hunting I never have the screen down, just make sure I wear black clothes.
Matrix is where it's at, used a T2 and T5, both good blinds but inferior to the Matrix.
the matrix is dominant. I have hunted out of an I5, BS5 and T2. Love the matrix. hands down the best blind made wortht the pennies they cost. Only need netting for same day whitetail hunts. Turkeys are oblivious just wear black and let them arrows fly.
Thanks for moving it! I didn't even think to put this in here. This isnt what I want to hear!!! Is the matrix really worth allthe extra.

Let me ask you this.... Would you rather have two T5 or one matrix???? hmmmmm
I will have to ponder that though.
I love my Matrix!!! Now if I can just remember that I am not shooting instinctive anymore, and stop shooting holes in my blind when those gobblers come charging in
Love my DB Matrix in the new predator brownish olive green color and my DB BS5 in the predator brown. Both great blinds and I really don't prefer one over the other.
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