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Double Main Beam?


New Member
I got these pics of this cool buck on 11-27-12, and they are all in sequence (within a minute). The last picture that shows him walking away looks like he has a double main beam with a split tine. What do you guys think?




Good looking deer. I would say that last pic is just showing his left G2 from a different angle. But it's tough to say for sure. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that last picture is a different deer. Probably isn't but it just doesn't look the same.
Same deer, pics were all taken within 30 seconds. I took a pic off my computer screen with my cell, and then sent them to this computer to upload, that is why the backgrounds dont look exactly the same between the first 3 pics and last.
my guess would be no dbl beam, hopefully u get more pics of him and can tell for sure!
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