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Dove Hunting


New Member
Just wondering what you all think of dove hunting in Iowa. I know this has been a big debate for a few years now. Personally, I would love the opprotunity to bag a few doves a year. I know that where I'm from the doves are just thick around late summer.
If the season wasnt during deer season i would be up for it
I have lived in missouri and now illinois, both of which have dove seasons starting Sept 1 and I tell you it is a blast. Limit is about 15 and really gets you ready for waterfowl assuming you hunt the early teal season. I always wondered why Iowa never had a season. We always went to missouri for the dove opener......
We had it lock, stock and barrel a few years back and Vilsak vetoed it. I personally think it's a great way to introduce kids to hunting. Lots of opportunities, lots of shooting and good eating to boot. We go to Kansas.
Vilsack? I take it he doesn't hunt much! That's too bad.
Vilsak doesn't hunt at all. Won't participate in the governors hunt and bowed to pressure put on him by animal rights groups...
Always used to be the first hunt of the fall for me in Wyoming too. I think Iowa thinks they're a 'songbird'.
If you want fast shooting and a good time then try dove hunting. I can't see why we don't have a season. The abundance of doves is ridiculous. Oh well can't have everything.
there is no ecological or biological reason not to have a dove season in iowa. all it would do is generate $ for the dnr,iowa businesses and iowa tax $. we were sold out by the gov last time!wisconsin was finally successful in getting a season by defeatibg the anti's.they have a gov with balls tho.
I'll assume that when Gov. Viltax is out of office they'll try to push the issue again.

Let's hope so.

Vilsack sure hurt us on the dove season, just remember that next time you go to the polls!! He is not for us hunters in my book!!
That's to bad that you guys can't dove hunt, we here in Michigan can't pass it either, just to many uninformed, UNEDUCATED people that think they are peace birds
I have dove hunted in Arkansas and it is a blast and they are tasty little buggers too.
Vilsack's definately a tree hugger. When he was here in Sioux City I specifically heard him say that there wouldn't be a dove season as long as he's in office.
Goofy politicians. Heck the life cycle of a dove isn't much more than a year anyhow. Its not as if they are protecting anything. They nest 4-5 times a year!

I found this to be interesting. I pulled it straight from your Iowa DNR page
Iowa dove link

From a biological standpoint, hunting has no measurable impact on mourning dove populations. More doves are harvested annually by hunters in the continental U.S. than all other game bird species combined. Annual hunting harvest is estimated at 41.3 million doves which is just 8.6% of the estimated fall population. As a comparison, 165 to 207 million doves are lost to natural causes each year, or 4 to 5 times the number attributed to hunting. Because doves have a very short life span (most live less than 1 yr.) and a high reproductive rate, annual population levels are determined almost entirely by the whims of nature. If there is fair weather during the nesting season, populations increase; if poor weather persists, populations fall. These ups and downs in dove numbers occur in states with and without dove hunting. In any given year 50-60% of the dove population dies, but hunting harvest comprises only 8-10% of these losses.

Hopefully you guys will get a season, if you do, just be careful where you are aiming. Those little things can fly pretty low at daybreak!
I just got invited to a dinner with george w. only catch is 2500 a plate for a 6 oz fillet and some corn
needless to say my daughter is getting the pampers she needs instead of daddy rubbing elbows

the mouse
I really dont have a urge to hunt doves but thats just me.Its to bad those of you that do want to hunt them cant because of one guy with no spine.Of course given the oppurtunity I might change my mind and like hunting them, hard to say.
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