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Drought in Nebraska


Active Member
I hope the weather is better in Iowa than here. Here's a photo of the Platte river at grand Island Ne. I feel sorry for the wildlife.

I was just by there a couple of days ago. Ugly aint it. Harvest will be here in a flash, only irrigated ground will yield anything. Hope all you Iowa guys have a better harvest. One good thing about it for deer hunting is that a early harvest will allow more time to do some long distance road scouting. Have been seeing alot of deer but not to many bucks(yet).
Vman, I remember back around 1979 to 1981 it got so low that we drove our vehicles down stream for about 30 miles, but there was still a small channel of water flowing. There is NO water at all now. I've been upstream 30 miles and downstream the same distance and there is absolutely no water!
We had a little rain 2 days ago but it didn't change a thing. I don't hunt much along this river anymore, I hunt about 20 miles north on the Middle Loup river. It's very low also but not dry. The old timers around here say they've never seen it this bad. Good luck and enjoy the rain when you get it! Jay
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