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Duckin deer


New Member
Had a deer duck my arrow it sucks would have been my furst deer with a bow and i dont get to hunt tomorow this definitly sucks anybody else get ducked

indiana bow hunter
This also my first year bowhunting. I didn't get ducked but got busted drawing. Had a small buck and doe looking my way and as soon as they looked away I drew and looked back at the other doe I was gonna shoot in front of me , she had turned around and was watching me draw and was gone before I looked through the peep. "sigh"...I just put that in my back pocket as one of my first of many lessons learned I s'pose...
Ya i was nervous she was 18 yards and ducked atleast a foot and as soon as i saw her start to duck i hit my head on the tree

indiana bow hunter
Make sure to quiet your bow as much as possible...limbsavers, everything tight, etc. Try to shoot only at relaxed deer but that isn't always possible. Just keep trying and learning!
Jumping the Shoot

Jumping the shoot is a reaction; a gathering of muscles, it is an instantaneous downward and rolling motion, it is usually an unconscious reaction to a startling sound.

I adjust for a possible string jump by aiming slightly lower on a deer than I would on a foam deer target.

Key words being “slightly lower”! :)

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