Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Dustin got his first !


New Member
My son Dustin harvested his first deer on Saturday with a shotgun.It was a young six pointer.Perfect broadside shot at 25 yds,we were sitting on the ground in a draw between two pastures.The buck only made it 80 yards and expired.Man it sure is great watching your boy get his first deer!

I'm not a father, but I can imagine that it must be even more exciting than taking a deer yourself when you can watch your son do something like that! Please pass along all of our congratulations. I'll bet he will be hooked on deer hunting for life now!
Congrats! I can't wait until I can do the same with my son (and daughter). I can only imagine the rush you both had.

Sounds awesome, please post some pictures, that always adds to the story. Congrats to the young hunter AND his dad for taking him out.

I had a great time last night just watching one of my boys smiling ear to ear as he was reeling in one bass after another. He is 9 now and will be 10 in a month or so and the plan now is for him to get his first deer tag for the 1st season shotgun season. The smile after his first deer will beat any fish smile!
Congrats to your son and yourself for getting him into the great sport! I will never forget my first turkey with my dad sitting right there next to me coaching me along.
Way to go!! Like the old saying take your kid hunting and you won't have to hunt for your kid. He is now hooked I am sure.
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