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How soon in the spring do turkeys dust themselves? Is it early or late?

I’m thinking of making a dust bowl for them by clearing the greens off a spot and digging a shallow area up so it can dry out and form dust. I’m also considering taking some clay oil absorbent and smashing it into powder and piling it for a dusting bowl.

Anybody ever had any success by making dusting spots?

Not only early or late season but do turkeys dust early or late in the day? Do all turkeys seek out dusting spots or do some not dust at all?


The ‘Bonker
I am not a turkeyologist but in the spring I have only seen hens dusting not that toms don't, I just havent seen it. I have watched alot of toms walk by a spot where I would watch a hen dusting a little earlier on. Maybe they have another thing on their mind that time of year. It also seems that most of them dust during the middle of the day to early afternoon from what I have seen. I think it is too dewy out in the morning for them.
turkeys won't start dusting until it gets warmer and the bugs start to thicken up on their hides. i agree with LIV, they don't generally dust until later in the morning to early afternoon when the dew dries up.

as far as making a dusting bowl... i've never heard of it being done. good luck.
i have hunted dusting areas and never had a tom come to them. Im sure they do once the breeding winds down, but i think it is more of a hen hang out after she has been bred for the day.

and i agree with mud and liv, later in the season when temps get warm
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LIV4RUT</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am not a turkeyologist but in the spring I have only seen hens dusting not that toms don't, I just havent seen it. </div></div>

Have seen both hens and toms dusting. Mainly when it gets warmer and the bugs on them start to bother them. Let us know how your dusting area turns out.


I have seen Tom’s dusting, but it has always been at the tail end of the spring turkey season in May. I have watched them dusting from May to well into September.

I know a favorite dusting spot; I will set up a trailcam on it this year and we will see if we can learn anything from it.


Ron Wyllie
Southwest Iowa IBA Area Representative
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