Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Dwarf Chinkapin Oaks from Oikos


PMA Member
They are looking good so far!! Already starting to leaf out...one a side note, I have them in rootmaker cloth containers alongside, american chestnut, burxenglish oaks, various apple trees and downy serviceberry. So far the only ones the squirrels have dug up were some of the DCO's. There is not any acorns left on the seedling so I am not sure why the heck the squirrels are zoning in on them???

Paul had a great idea to get them much cheaper...order in bulk and split with others. That was the difference in paying 8 bucks a tree or far less in our case.

Here are some possible sources for DCO's this next fall/spring.

PA State (Howard Nursery)


Oikos Tree Crops:


Also I am hopefully going to be able to pick some up myself this fall from a few sources in NE and NW MO.
I got 25 planted and tree tubed that we ordered. Got those acorns planted last fall. I am looking forward to seeing how they do and everything I've read is positive. I'd for sure go in on some more next year!!!
*Great info, thanks!
I brought half of the DCO's into the garage to be put under the grow light to make sure the squirrels do not dig anymore up. They are always after something I have planted at the house!!! :)
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