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Earl strikes again


death from above
My buddy JJ and I set up on his farm this morning and after a couple of quick adjustments we were able to charm this big boy in. He came thundering in and about flogged the hell out of my decoy Earl before JJ could put a end to his life. This is the 6th bird over him since last thursday. Good way to start off in Iowa! What a beautiful morning :way:

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Good work guys!! Earl looks good enough to be in my house :grin:, Nice looking mount from the picture
Congrats! :way: I sure wouldn't set ol' Earl up too close to the road if you know what I mean! Hillbillies be all over Earl! :D He looks fine!
way to go!! its tough being stuck in class watching all these kills getting posted.. may have to make friday into a skip day..
Wow! Earl is certainly gonna have some bragging rights at the decoy lounge! Tell your buddy congrats!:way:
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