Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Early Afternoon Buck

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This is the second buck I seen yesterday the first was a heavy beamed ten point than never gave me an opportunity to take a shot. I dont know if the winds swirled and gave me away but he just would not come in and give me a shot. He stood behind me what seemed forever then finaly turned and went back the way he came from. About twenty minutes later I caught movement to my right. It was this buck. I thought he was headed to cross the crick but turned and made a scrape then turned and headed my way. He stopped and rubbed on some brush at the base of a large tree, he did this for nearly ten minutes, then came strait tword my ladder stand. I thought for sure he would pick me off but he never did. at about five yards from my stand he turned and walked strait away at tirhteen yards he turn and started down the main trail, that is when I drew back and set my pin on him and let the arrow fly. the hit was good and knew he wont go far. At about sixty yards I found him piled up. This was a hunt would liked to have on film because of the way he came in. He died twenty yards from the place last years buck did.
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