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early muzzleloader season


I have a question about the regulations for early muzzleloader. If I were to get a early season tag could I still purchase a late season muzzleloader DOE only tag?
No I'm not a landowner. I did however think that you could get a DOE only tag 2nd season. Now that I found out I can't then I'm undecided on what season to go.
Get the doe tag for early muzzle. I did it last year and it was easier to cube up two deer that week and put them into the freezer about the same time. Also if you're like me and take all your meat to the locker, it will get some extra meat back early for those long winter month's, and you won't have to worry your meat being mixed in with everyone else's.
I think I will try that. I'm just worried I won't be able to hunt as much since I have to work one of the weekends.
You can never have enough tags to hunt. This is why I hang onto that anysex bow tag until the end. Just getting out there is almost a vacation.
Get the late season either sex and a bonus antlerless for that season and another for the 2nd season shotgun and yet another to go with your bow tag.
I'd go buck hunt'in early season this year with the rut predictions being early. Should be good rattling at the open and maybe even some response to the grunt call. The does will be a plenty late season and easy to locate.
Go get the big boy before the orange army attacks.
150 you said to get late season muzzleloader with late season antlerless and also a 2nd season shotgun along with a bow tag??? I thought if you purchased a muzzleloader tag you couldn't get a shotgun tag. Can I get all 3, muzzleloader, shotgun and archery tags?
I'm talking antlerless tags. If you purchase a statewide late season muzzleloader tag, you can also purchase antlerless tags for the bow season, 2nd season shotgun and/or late season muzzleloader.
Print out these pages and tape them togethor. As a landowner, I thought I could have my two antlerless only "for any season" as the regs state. Regardless of who (landowner/resident) you are, you can only get 1 antlerless only for early muzzleloader/first season shotgun. The regs also might be read that after Oct. 1 you can purchase additional antlerless tags for early muzzle/first season shotgun but this is not the case. I made a call to a DNR employee to discuss the options.
am i reading this chart wrong or does it look like if you buy a bow any sex tag, you can also get a shotgun 2 and late muzz any sex tag as well. dont think that is right, but that seems to be the way the chart reads.
if you buy a bow anysex tag, you can only get ONE other anysex tag, in either; shotgun 1, 2, early, or late muzzle
that is what i thought, but in the chart, each different season available is in a different box, except for shotgun 2, and muzz 2?
they are in different boxes, because depending on your choice, you have different options on your next doe tags
Just now got off the phone with local DNR officer. In the box that reads Bow season and directly across from that it reads, Season 2 shotgun than late muzzleloader season that is a either or. You have to pick one or the other. Now going back to the question I had asked earlier about late season antlerless muzzleloader that is a no if you go early season. However if you are a landowner you can purchase a 2nd season shotgun along with late season muzzleloader and a bow tag.
Yes, you can buy antlerless shotgun-2 and late muzzleloader tags with your bow tag and you can get three tags if you choose that option and the three tags can be purchased for any combination of those seasons. The limit is not 2 tags with this combination nor is with with most combinations.
Also, it is not either or for the second season and late muzzleloader. You can get anterless tags for both of them. I'm not positive about the any combination thing but I'm pretty sure that is true and I am very confident that you can get 3 antlerless tags for the bow season.
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