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EHD management tactics….


Staff member
I’ve posted a million things on this over the years. Lil reminder…. Time is coming! There’s some folks that want to try practical approaches …. Others that don’t. All good. Clearly we have the CWD debate…. Not really looking to go there. But when areas in iowa have FACTUALLY lost 50-90% of the herd in ONE SUMMER….. EHD/BT continue to be a threat some years. *ive seen these areas 1st hand & discussed those areas with folks from DNR, etc.
I can post previous link with lots of studies & data & “how, when, why, what, etc” EHD/BT is all about.
My practical approach…..
100 lbs mineral, 5 lbs granulated garlic, 1 lbs sulfur & covered in granulated molasses. 2 locations per 80 acres. Cheap, “helps” (a lot IMO!!!) & also excellent for general health.
In very short - I’ve gone over this with veterinarians, deer breeders, etc. I’m not out to manage like a deer pen & don’t do what they do. But this one- sure.
minerals with many micronutrients, garlic, etc …… Help with blood flow & ability to cool down (critical for Ehd & health & even antlers). Repels midges & biting critters like flies or even ticks. Benefits are a long list.
august to end of sept is main time & clearly locations of mineral or clean up for hunting season is needed in thought process. Lots of ideas & solutions.
next level up……. A guy could implement ivermectin (safe & very effective at killing any biting insect so they don’t continue to transmit, easy & cheap!!). I won’t go too deep into that.
long story short- if u have cattle around & u care about ehd & want to try some approaches - lots of easy options. If u don’t want to do a thing- u likely didnt open this thread ;). Hopefully iowa sees a calm mild EHD/BT season!! It happens EVERY YEAR!!! Just hope this one is a mild one again- much like last year.
I've used ivermectin paste to worm horses. Also used it to prevent heart worms in my hunting dogs (put a pea size dollop from the left over horse worming tube onto the finger, wipe in the dogs mouth). Not too worried about getting it on my hands, as it has been approved (probably in purer forms) for human use. If I recall, there is a window not to treat animals that are to be sent to slaughter. Might want to stop treating wild deer with it a month or so before season.
Can you even buy large quantities of animal grade Ivermectin today? If so, where can I get it and is it a 1,000 times markup from 18 months ago?
Can you even buy large quantities of animal grade Ivermectin today? If so, where can I get it and is it a 1,000 times markup from 18 months ago?
Dunno if inventory issues ?? It’s generic & cheap. Or it was. “Cheap, generic, years of safety & simple”.
30 days roughly - anything that bites will die. Ticks, midges, etc. parasites- many will go away.
Im not trying to push “make your deer like cattle” …. I get it. But- guys that manage deer pens (like cattle) - use it or similar versions 2 times a year. The reduction in parasites absolutely allows deer to reach potential. Huge difference. Not saying “folks should do it” or “folks shouldn’t”. But- it does have a lot of merit to it.

& yes- ivermectins use for Covid is real. When Covid came out- I was texting with 2 guys on here saying “bet they experiment or look into ivermectin” & it happened.
Ok how do you get the deer to eat it???

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Mineral, corn, molasses, u name it…… mix up a big huge batch - spray & mix. Easy as pie. I got my dosing from veterinarian. It’s super easy.
The ivermectin dosage a vet told me to use is 10 cc mixed with a quart of water, spray that on 50#of feed, mix, let dry and put in feeder. He said do it for May and June and it'd be good to go for summer for the deer that eat it. I went through 500# of corn in this time frame. I bought it via an elevator, they just dump it in back of my pickup and I store it in barrels in my shed. The ivermectin cost around 70 bucks. I got enough left over for next years May and June..

My main concern is ticks, as the deer look like they have groups of grapes on their ears in the cam pics. Ticks can wreak havoc on deer, especially fawns so I wanted to do something about it if I could. As Sligh said it hammers any thing that bites or is a parasite on deer.

I put corn in a couple feeders from Jan through April but started the ivermectin this year and just continued the corn with ivermectin in May and June. The ticks are hard to find in trail cam pics now compared to May. I have a bob tail doe that is one deer that I can confirm each time it is at the feeder. It had loads of ticks at end of May, I can't see any ticks on recent photos.

Next year I think I am going to get ivermectin granules/feed that is used to mix with hog feed and fed to hogs to get the benefits of ivermectin to the hogs. It will end the liquid drying time and no worries about molding. Didn't have that issue but it is always a concern of mine when putting liquid on something that is supposed to be dry.
Pretty interesting topic...Being from / hunting SW Missouri, we haven't ever been hit with EHD near as bad as the northern part of the state or Iowa. It's purely anecdotal, but I've often thought our rockier, less fertile soil has something to do with it. I.e. you see those EHD "stations" which looks like nice, fertile soil where water traps / or ponds up and the midges prolificate
Another one that absolutely has merit to it that guys are doing…. Guys that put out water sources…. Ivermectin in that. Ivermectin kills any biting insect. (It “likely” would also help if a deer did get Ehd to lesson the impact or aid with recovery. Similar to the studies showing benefits in Covid patients).
An animal could get bit from a midge that fed on an infected cow or deer but that insect is dead & cannot transmit again if it bites an animal with ivermectin in their system. Not saying yes or no to do this - but the facts or merits of how it works are pretty simple.
I've been using this , it's supposedly the same as trophy rock in a ground form. Hopefully it helps


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I've been using this , it's supposedly the same as trophy rock in a ground form. Hopefully it helps
There is a lot of research to support it in horses, sheep, cattle, etc. I’ve gone through loads of it over the years. There’s a smaller amount of studies that do not show benefit. I tend to agree with most that support it after watching countless farms that buddies have used it on. Watching those hard hitting EHD years where those guys come out far better than guys just a few miles away. I’m sticking with it & so are countless other guys I know that have weathered bad years with it. Bottom line, IMO, I believe it does save some deer. Not all but the ones that eat it- very beneficial IMO…. & also slowing the wildfire transmission when outbreaks do occur.
I've also been broadcasting this Redmond directly on the soil, mostly on clover plots, they can uptake it through the plants. Garlic blend only in mineral sites so far
Skip, where are you buying the redmond mineral in iowa? I researched it about a year ago and could not find anything local. I am in SE iowa.
Skip, where are you buying the redmond mineral in iowa? I researched it about a year ago and could not find anything local. I am in SE iowa.
SE iowa…. I remember the coop in libertyville- they a chain coop- they got it. Anyone that can get rangeland products or Purina can get it. Or someone around u carries Kent 365. Any coops or even larger stores are gonna carry one or the other. 8% minimum phosphorus & add some molasses.
*I purely do this for health & ehd issues. Put em far from where I hunt & I got easy methods for covering them in any case…. So many solutions it’s easy.

that Redmond stuff is interesting if plants uptake it. I’ve dug in a bit as well. I also thought about adding some of those nutrients to a fertilizer cart. Or adding to a water supply as dissolving feed mineral.
Thanks again Skip for providing that video. It really helps with getting the correct ratios for people like me that are new to this part of the whitetail management and want to do things right from the beginning. Can't thank you enough!!!!
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