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Elk Hunting 2


PMA Member
My good friend and I went out to Colorado this last week to hunt elk in unit 68. We walked over 30 miles and never saw any elk, we never heard any elk, nor did we even find any fresh sign. After hunting that hard and not seeing anything we have decided to start putting in for some of the better units, weather it be colorado or any other good elk state. That being said we aren't sure where to go. We want it to be DIY, maybe a drop camp. Does anyone have an opinion on good unit to try to start applying for? I know it will take a few years, but we need to start somewhere. Thanks guys!

Just heard on the radio, the story of how wolves are decimating the Elk in Yellowstone, and neighboring states. I have heard this before, but this was a recent documentary. Cry of the Wolf, I think it is called. Official Game and Fish line is that all is in balance, but that is not true. Outfitters in the wolf areas are out of business. Guess maybe not a problem in Colorado, but something to consider.
You are welcome in Arizona anytime and I'll be glad to help you through our lottery system any time. I've been working with Risto on here for a year, now. For the 2014 application, I will be giving him the hunt numbers I apply for. If we are both drawn, we will be hunting together. If he gets drawn and I don't, I will be by his side, taking him to my favorite spots. I've also been working with a guy here from MN who got drawn for the same unit i hunted last year. I marked a map with all the spots i got into bulls and sent it to him. Same offer for you. With our bonus point system, you could get drawn right away, or it may take a few years. Just let me know.

As for the wolf article, I will be happy to explain reality using sound ecosystem science and management with wildlife management rather than commentary from wolf-hating, anti-government folks. I know the article and that's all it is. I also live and hunt in wolf country and the USFWS wolf recovery coordinator for AZ and NM has been working with both states to increase cow elk tags because wolves aren't controlling the elk enough. I know this because she is my former supervisor and one of the best wildlife biologists i know. Elk are VERY destructive on habitats and ecosystems as a whole.
Sounds like my trip to Idaho. Walked endless miles and called in nothing but wolves until the last day. That will raise your hair up having wolves within 20 yards looking for dinner when you are used to coyotes. I hated those dang things.

On the last day though last hour we slipped into this new spot with my ole man. He hung back about 75 yards. As I was walking ahead trying to find an ambush spot and all the sudden the pain hit my lower bowels. I had to go now. He started calling right away and here I am looking for a place to drop a load hoping my ole man couldn't see me.

I remember just standing there like crap where to go when I look over down this mountain and this big 5x5 just walked right by at 20 yards. I mean right FREAKING by through multipe shooting lanes. Here I am looking to take a Poo with no release on facing up the mountaint towards some nice bushes to take a dump and a big 5x5 is just cruisng towards my dad right by me.

The way the bull was approaching him would of been in the thick stuff offering no shot to him. He was overlooking a nice cut area. My wind was blowing towards the bull.

I threw on my release and started walking parallel to him trying to find a shot but could not. Finally he winded me and circled wide. I had a 53 yard shot through a hole the size of a basket ball. My arrow hit the top limb and then shot straight up way over the bull and he was gone.

I still can't believe it. 20 yards in the wide open, if I would of just been paying attention and ready. Needless to say my urge to poo was gone. What a deal.
You are welcome in Arizona anytime and I'll be glad to help you through our lottery system any time. I've been working with Risto on here for a year, now. For the 2014 application, I will be giving him the hunt numbers I apply for. If we are both drawn, we will be hunting together. If he gets drawn and I don't, I will be by his side, taking him to my favorite spots. I've also been working with a guy here from MN who got drawn for the same unit i hunted last year. I marked a map with all the spots i got into bulls and sent it to him. Same offer for you. With our bonus point system, you could get drawn right away, or it may take a few years. Just let me know.

As for the wolf article, I will be happy to explain reality using sound ecosystem science and management with wildlife management rather than commentary from wolf-hating, anti-government folks. I know the article and that's all it is. I also live and hunt in wolf country and the USFWS wolf recovery coordinator for AZ and NM has been working with both states to increase cow elk tags because wolves aren't controlling the elk enough. I know this because she is my former supervisor and one of the best wildlife biologists i know. Elk are VERY destructive on habitats and ecosystems as a whole.

Patience is all I keep telling myself. :(
It may take awhile but well worth the wait.
I can't wait.
Still hoping you can come here for a Iowa deer hunt Az.
We had a local guy help us out for a small fee. He showed us where he sees elk. We went high, low, through the dark timber, through the open meadows, and finally after 3 days of looking we found a few small water sources with no fresh sign. We saw a lot of old scat. So we come to the conclusion that we where hunting their wintering grounds and that was why the local guy we hired sees them there, because he is only in the area durning the later rifle seasons. Talking with a few of the other locals, they were't seeing anything either and said it was still to warm. All in all, I think we put to much stock into trusting one guy and should have done more research of our own.
Got your PM, Tom. Whenever you're ready!

Patience is all I keep telling myself. :(
It may take awhile but well worth the wait.
I can't wait.
Still hoping you can come here for a Iowa deer hunt Az.

Door is always open. Right now, it looks like I'll be coming back to Iowa to hunt deer again in 2015, but a buddy is supposed to come with me. Can't impose two of us on you. But we don't need to hijack this thread. Let's keep on working on getting you and Tom on some elk!
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