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Well...we voted them in.

Joint Reslution 6
And I will be e-mailing. My senator is even one of these and I know him personally. Go to church with him, do business with him, not close friends but more than acquaintances. So I will use that connection as much as I can.

But when we elect people and we want big changes, including lower taxes (and that is the claimed justification for Resolution 6) sometimes what we get is not exactly what we want. AND if government and taxes are going to be cut significantly as many of us want, SOMEBODY, maybe even all citizens are going to have to sacrifice some things they were getting that was a benefit of government spending.
FB is the source for most Iowa’s environmental, hunting, conservation & “outdoors” issues. If it’s not a corn or a bean field - it’s no good. No animal should be alive. No tree standing. I’m waiting for the legislation where every citizen of iowa is required to remove their lawns, driveways, landscaping, etc - only corn & bean rotation allowed. ;)
Once they get that- their next bill will allegedly outlaw: laughing, ice cream, jokes, puppies, general happiness & anything else that could be considered enjoyable in life. :)
One of my local (D) reps told me to buy DNR license plates when I inquired about supporting IWILL. So it's not as easy as the letter behind their name.
The democrats are way better on conservation, HUNTING, environmental issues, etc - in iowa. Now- there’s a lot of good R’s as well. But- all the “bad bills” that hurt all these things- hand full of almost always R’s that do this.
& don’t get me wrong- D or R…. They are human beings & can be influenced by $ or the wrong ideals. Or - they could also just be bad at what they do. Why it’s great we have primaries & elections! :)
Just got this email


I'm sorry to report that, despite my efforts to speak against this bill as an affront to individual property rights to sell ground to whomever they want, even if it is during an auction, or the fact that the DNR nor the County Conservation has purchased property through an auction in over 20 years, the bill passed along party lines 10 Republicans for and 3 Democrats against. Please know that I spoke directly with Jackson, Clinton, and Scott Counties Conservation Directors and while they agreed that of all the bills attacking Iowa conservation efforts, this was probably the least worrisome, it represents the proverbial, "camel's nose under the tent"; once this bill is approved, what's next. I will have one more chance to speak against this bill during the senate floor debate.


Mike Zimmer

Senate District 35

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