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encore problem


Life Member
my unlce bought an encore muzzleloader last week. he bought 777 (using 100grns), and some sabot/bullet combo and tried to shoot. the first shot loaded fine, but all shots after are almost impossible to load. after the 2nd shot, a hammer/rock was needed to seat the bullet all the way.

what bullet/sabots are other encore users having good luck with?
My son Ryan had the same problem with his T/C Encore when it was new. We were shooting T/C Shock wave 250 gr. bullets and triple 7 powder, and using a short start before using the ramrod. The shockwaves were nearly impossible to load even though we were swabbing between each shot so there was no excessive fouling.

After about 20 rounds the Encore started loading much easier. Ryan now has a very accurate shooting firearm.

I say shoot it a few more times. Try putting a very light coat of bore butter on the plastic sabot for a while until it starts loading better.
I swab mine every time I load it with bore butter and have good results in getting it loaded. After shooting numerous rounds thru it, it does load easier but the swab after each shot seems necessary.
I usually don't need a second shot out in the field....I said USUALLY
My guess is that it is not the bullets at all and you have the dreaded "crud ring" from the triple-7 powder. That in combination of too hot of a primer. Try less powder, a primer made for MLs and/or swab good between all shots. If that doesn't work, use different powder. JMHO
You just need to try a different sabot in the gun Teeroy. I had the same problem with some of the Knight sabots. Problem with that was that I could never find a great shooting sabot for the gun, thats why it was sent on down the road for the next guy to deal with.
You must have had a bad one Freddy. I zeroed mine at 100 yards with 2 of the three touching in the bullseye and shot it out to 150 yards with similar results. My old Encore shot just as well. I knew of someone else that had a similar problem with one in IL but got a different barrel and the issue resolved. The setup I have started using is 100 grains of 777 and the T/C shockwaves. and have been very pleased with the performance
Mine was a lemon. I dont think it reflected the manufacturer as a whole. My last truck was the same way.
The gun didnt shoot, Stock cracked, and the forearm screw wouldnt stay in. I know alot of guys that like them though. I still dont think you should need any lubricant to get a sabot to go down. I havent had any problems with the Revolution yet, it took me a little time but I found a good combo to shoot out of it.
A lot of it is probably the 777 powder. After I get thru the next box, it is time to try the American Pioneer Powder SHockey uses.
As for the american poineer powder I am trying it now. I am using the pellet form and would not recondmend it to anyone. I am going to go back to the 777.. The pellets are a long cone shape and when you put them in the barrel it shaves off the corners. It just not the best invention.. It is hard to beat the 777.. Who cares if you can shot 5000 shots without cleaning. No one in their right mind would want to do that anyway, let along trying to get your breach plug out. If anyone wants to try the American Pioneer pellets let me know and you can have mine to try.....
I shot AP sticks as a trial, maybe 10 shots is all before I gave the rest of the jug away. Shooting 777 pellets, nice change from Pyrodex.

Had the same problem with Encore sling swivel not staying in the forearm, mine shot ok but I never liked the hammer (even with an extension) under the scope.
I had the same problems as Fred, must be the ones they deliver to MI

FYI be careful with that bore butter I used that stuff prior to putting it away for the year and the manufacture claimed that stuff should not be used it there guns. I had two pitted barrels due to it. They recommend sending an oil (hoppes) soaked rag down it for the last few strokes. They claimed that the bore butter sealed in moisture which caused my pitting.

Sorry to go off topic a little there, but Teeroy I would recommend the Hornady XTP sabots 45 cal., 245gr.w/2pellets. A couple of my buddies swear by their Encores and that's what they shoot.
I shoot T/C Shockwaves and T7 pellets in my encore with no problems. I have always cleaned between each shot though just to maintain consistency.

Pretty sure you shouldnt need a hammer to get the bullet in though. In fact that would scare the bejesus out of me, think impact detonation!
This is directly from Thomson Centers web site.

6: Is T/C's Natural Lube 1000 Plus Bore Butter really that good? How does it work?
It sure is, and if you've got some friends who are using it, ask them. Our All Natural "Bore Butter" is absent of any petroleum based oil, and contains an ingredient which seasons the bore with repeated use, just as you would season a cast iron skillet. Tar, used to pave highways, is made by heating a petroleum based oil. In other words, heat plus petroleum oil equals tar! That's what causes the heavy fouling when shooting a muzzleloader with conventional petroleum based lubes. The problem of heavy fouling was one not encountered in the old days, as the oils used then were all natural' whale oil, bear fat, deer tallow, etc. Petroleum based oils were not discovered until the mid 1800's, and during the Civil War, fouling did become a problem.
7: How do I use Natural Lube 1000 Plus Bore Butter?
It's easy. The first step is to remove all traces of oil from your muzzleloader by cleaning the bore with hot water and a detergent. Then coat the bore with Bore Butter using a patch or swab saturated with it. From that point on, never allow a petroleum based lube to interfere with the Natural Lube. Use bullets prelubed with Bore Butter, and when cleaning, use an all natural bore cleaner like our No. 13. As you continue to shoot, you will be slowly seasoning the bore and will notice that very little fouling builds up. Loading will remain easy from shot to shot, and cleaning will be a snap.

Note about Sabots

T/C's All Natural Lube 1000 Plus Bore Butter was designed as a lube to be used with traditional patched roundballs (lube the patches) and all lead conical bullets like our Maxi-Ball and Maxi-Hunters.

If you are shooting sabots, DO NOT LUBE YOUR SABOTS. Sabots are designed to be shot right out of the package____DRY. In fact, you should remove any trace of Natural Lube, or any lube for that matter, from the barrel before shooting sabots. The less lube you have in the barrel when shooting sabots, the better, to achieve optimum accuracy.

When your hunting or shooting is done, and your rifle cleaned after shooting, re-lube your barrel with T/C's All Natural Lube Bore Butter prior to storage. Wipe down the outside as well. It's an excellent rust preventative.

8: Has Natural Lube 1000 Plus Bore Butter been tested?
Yes. In 1990, a T/C New Englander was repeatedly fired every day for about 1 month, without having a patch run down the barrel. Over 1,000 rounds were fired, and loading remained as easy on the last shot, as on the first. The velocities of the last five shots were measured, and the standard deviation of these 5 shots was 8.8FPS. That's less than what you would experience with most boxes of centerfire rifle cartridges!

9: Are all natural lubes the same?
No, there are a number of natural lubricants on the market, but only T/C's All Natural Lube 1000 Plus Bore Butter has the added ingredient to give you long term performance.

10: Do I have to clean my rifle immediately after firing it?
Only if you are using a petroleum based lubricant, which as previously stated, will create a tar like fouling capable of ruining the bore of your rifle if left unchecked by cleaning. If you are using T/C's Bore Butter, immediate cleaning of the rifle is not necessary. You can discharge the rifle during deer season, for example, and load up again without having to worry about cleaning the rifle that evening. However, that does not relieve you of your obligations to clean your rifle before putting it away, or after extended shooting. It's every shooters responsibility to clean their rifle properly, and maintain it in A-1 condition.
Thanks for the post CI and that is why I bought the bore butter. I read an article/advertisment about the bore butter and it souded like this great cure all stuff. After using the butter for a year my first barrel pitted and I sent it back recieving a new one, approximatly 2 years later that barrel also pitted. This time I called T/C and spoke with a gunsmith explaining to him what I was doing and that is when he told not to use bore butter. He claimed it acted as a wax and trapped moisture into small pores in the barrel which resulted in my pitting. However I don't believe I was using the 1000 all natural stuff that you commented on. I ended up throwing it away and haven't had a problem since.
I don't want to sound like I am bashing T/C because I am not, they have top notch equipment and thier service is second to none.
I use whatever is in the yellow tube- works great. I think mine loader easier with more use, swab about every third shot unless I'm really trying to shrink the group.
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