Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Equipment review


I hunt days ending in Y
Putting in dbltree mix I have never been happy just rolling the oats part in. They seem to lay on top for doves to gorged themselves. So I started out with this model which is called a cherry tree.

So with further review I opted to bite the bullet and use a cedar tree model. I'll be sticking to this model of covering. Goes over stumps and folds when going in between trees.
Way to make do with what you've got. Haha. I'm not sure if that's redneck ingenuity or if you're more like a ninja using you're surroundings wisely.
Nice! I recently "tilled" about 1/2 an acre with a rear set of MT tires! Doing donuts in the truck was a lot more fun for my boys than watching me struggle to use a small garden tiller anyway.
Now you just need to get that cedar tree into a clamshell package and sell it as a "Food Plot Leveler"...someone would buy it! :) Good work on smoothing the plot!
Patent that sucker fast, I'd patent the Osage Orange model really quick, probably a leading model.
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