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ever heard?


Well-Known Member
any of you guys/GALS (
Kat) heard a tom yelping?

opening weekend of season i heard what i thought was a couple hens coming in when low and behold a couple of gobbles turned the corner from behind the rocks. it was pretty neat, i have heard them yelp before but always in the fall. they were actually doing some feeding purrs as well. another interesting thing was they were REALLY raspy sounding and their "voices" were also a lower key than the hens behind them.
All the time mud.....I actually heard a ton of jakes and gobblers fighting on Sunday and most of them were throwing in a gobble or two as well as the purrs and yelps.
it's pretty cool ain't it? i see more interesting turkey encounters in the fall than i do in the spring generally. when the toms bacherlor up in the fall/winter i've seen huge battle royals involving 10 or more toms at one time. same with hens.
I actually use that call in the fall. Works well. It can work in the spring when that old gobbler is henned up and you through a jake yelp it can pull him away in some instances.
what call do you use to get the low pitch, and rasp of the gobblers?

also, what style of diaphram call makes the most realistic kee-kee run calls, multi reed (cut or not cut) or single reed?
they actually make jake diaphraghm calls. i use a raspy old hen and try to make it sound lower. in the spring i rely on normal tactics for toms.
in the fall i just ambush them.

for the kee kee i use a single reed and just make it squeal. another way to do the kee kee is to whistle, if you can control the pitch. this is the route i usually go.
I usually use something that has a split reed and the cadence is slower and longer with two to three notes.

kee-kee run can be produced on any diaphram or slate for that matter. It is just a trial and error...if you remember back to when you first learned to use a diaphram, that is the sound you most likely made first...
i can make the kee-kee run pretty good, i just wasn't sure which diapram i was supposed to be using.
I am assuming that as the moderator of this form you will not be deer hunting until you post a story, helpful hints, and photo of your fall turkey?
I am assuming that as the moderator of this form you will not be deer hunting until you post a story, helpful hints, and photo of your fall turkey?

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you assume wrong
i have my turkey tag, but i don't get too serious on fall turkeys until it gets colder and they bunch up onto "turkey ridge". this ridge is affectionately named that because there are easily 150+ birds roosting on it in the fall/winter. right now there are "only" about 50-70 there i think, that and i have yet to see the white turkey that i've been after for 4 years. she has a crosshair on her... i just havn't been able to close that deal.
A White turkey located at Turkey Ridge or Turkey Ridge Farms (aka Butterball Headquarters).
Pure white Muddy or does it have some of the marking of a wild Turkey?
this is a turkey i've affectionately dubbed "The Heradin". i've always heard that term used to descrive satan or some earth born vessel for his essence to travel in. this turkey is purely wild, it is all white where a normal turkey is brown and the black markings are normal on the wings and tail feathers. this hen has disrupted more turkey and deer hunts than i care to get into at this time. i have one witness to this bird, deadeye, and hopefully this fall will be the demise of this evil, evil hen. i do not expect anyone to believe me when i say i have a partial albino turkey running around, but when i skewer her it will be my most accomplished harvest.
All I can say is good luck mudslide. I hope she does meet her maker and I want good pics posted when you do.
somewhat distressing news, i did not manage to spot the ol heradin this weekend and i was keeping an eye out for her. perhaps this warm weather has her hiding somewhere. i don't feel the usual evil when i walk along turkey ridge like i used to, perhaps she's gone back to the giant lake of fire from whence she was spawned.
Just to be on the safe side muddy, make sure you still carry the arrow of justice in your quiver so’s you can cast out the demon from the flock…
Muddy, I am also trying to harvest the same type of particular bird. They are very cool looking. Had mine come in last fall in a morning stand, only I was looking to the small group in the front of me and she was all alone in the back. Well she picked me off and that was the last I saw of her. This has been two years in the making for me also. I do have a spot reservered for her in my house...
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