Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Ever see a 279" TYPICAL 7x7 Whitetail ????


PMA Member
You have to go to e-bay under "Whitetail antlers" and check this thing out.
thats hilarious. what would the measurements have to be for that?
WOW thats totally wild I dont think even if something like that was running around anyone could ever shoot it cause they would have to pick there jaw off the ground first!!!
Look at the size of the head on that deer. The Head looks like a 1 1/2 year old and the rack looks like a 39 1/2 year old.
That rack was used last year in a photo that spread throughout the internet saying new world record... had a pic of a guy holding a dead deer's head up in the back of a truck and that rack was on it. Everybody assumed it was photoshopped, but they were just fake to begin with.
I don't get it, they say it's not real and was made from a different 5X5. Then why would he be posing next to it in the truck.
Looks retarded if you ask me...
Wow...If i had the time I'd learn how to "professionally alter" antlers! $300 starting bid and 1500 Buy it Now! I'd be livin the high life! haha
Wow...If i had the time I'd learn how to "professionally alter" antlers! $300 starting bid and 1500 Buy it Now! I'd be livin the high life! haha

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I doubt if he gets many bids on it.
Wow...If i had the time I'd learn how to "professionally alter" antlers! $300 starting bid and 1500 Buy it Now! I'd be livin the high life! haha

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I doubt if he gets many bids on it.

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Hell for that amount of money I would like to start "altering" my antlers.

I especially like the pic in the back of his truck. Amazaing what some people will try to sell and for what amount of money.
I wouldn't even shoot that ugly looking thing if it walked by me!

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I'll hunt with you and I'll just shoot the ugly ones that you let walk.
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