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experinenced blind hunters question ??


PMA Member
would setting a blind in the middle of an open field be effective? There's always deer in this field late in the afternoon.
My questions would be :

What are you hunting with bow/muzzle/shotgun?

How soon do you hope to hunt it?

Why the middle of an open field?

I'll assume you can't hunt near the timber where they come out to go to this field.

Only if there was somebody there to tell him/her where to aim.

Couldn't resist.

The 'Bonker, who is no longer vision challenged
No way. If it was their for a long peroid of time, maybe. But even then, your chances of getting a big buck to walk out to it would be slim.
That is the only way that I hunt during late ML! What I do is set my Double Bull on a field edge. No brushing in! I would think that it would be more difficult with a bow!
whoops. should have givin a little more detail. hunt it with a bow. there are always deer there at dusk. there are always 3 150 class deer in the bunch. I've moved my stands around the perimeter of the field to try to locate where the big ones are entering the field at. They are following 2 different draws up and slipping into the field from there. Wind doesn't seem to make any difference which draw they use. I've set up a stand below the field where the 2 draws meet in a bigger timber and it's a real sweet spot but I need a south wind to hunt it and we hardly ever get a south wind in NE Iowa. Plus it's down lower in the timber where there's a better chance the scent hangs around. On the other hand that is the stand I hit the buck last friday from that I didn't recover. Last friday we had south winds and I had 8 bucks within 20 yards of that stand. But like I said, it's a touchy stand to use.
I just wondered if a blind would be effective in an open field. There is corn and hay strips and they are in the corn (at least the first hour or so). I have hid behind large round bales in the fields before and had deer very close. It was just an idea. I'm always thinking of stupid stuff.......
It works for turkeys, but I doubt it would ever work on a old buck. If their are hay bales around, well that may make a difference. Youd have to cover the blind with hay though. I have my blind brushed in real good with sneaky leaves, but i still have deer that lok at it. Must of the time they dont care. Id try and use the blind, where you think they are coming out at. Get it close as you can and get right on the field edge. Hopefully you have something very thick to use as a backdrop.

Good luck, hunting from the ground is AWSOME.
Hey vman. You know I have my doughts too. But it sure is curious when you get out of the woods and you see a half dozen deer feeding within spitting distance of the truck.
moose - i know this may sound crazy but if the deer are feeding within range of the truck then you may want to seriously consider putting the blind up in the back of your truck. this sounds nuts but i don't know how many times i've came back and had deer within shooting distance of my vehicle. another option would be to constuct a makeshift goose pit and then bowhunt out of it in the field. have the farmer put some big round bales up maybe and hunt by them or make some contraption where you can lay hay across the thing and look like a bale. all odd ideas but sometimes those weird ideas can pay off big dividends.
Muddy. Why is it I'm not surprised some of the crazyest sounded ideas came from you. Your alright...........I don't care what Limb says.......
i once shot a gobbler laying flat on my back in the middle of a cut hayfield. propped my gun up on my foot and smoked him. anything can happen and any given time. Limb is confusing stupidity for genius when talking about me...or is it the other way around??
Try a grain cart! You can pull it out there with your truck and put it where ever you want. I'm yet to see a deer that is afraid of farm equipment.
Hunt on All4s
How about talking the farmer into leaving the combine out in the field and then hunt off of the platform? I would love to try that once.

I tell you I think deer in general are NOT that afraid of vehicles.

But back to your original question and now you've given details I would have to agree that unless this blind was put up weeks in advance I don't think they would fall for it. But I do know one thing, you'll never kill one of them out of a blind if you don't try!


Had a similar thing going on during late muzzleloader last season. No giant bucks, just small bucks and tons of does. I had an antlerless tag to fill. My dad put an old field drag folded up and partially opened in the middle of the field. Put a few cedar tree branches in amongst the shovels and a chair on the inside. Deer were walking around it the same night it was put out, and I had my pick of 30+ deer within range the first night. If you can rig something up that involves some sort of farm equipment I think you've got a shot. Good luck!

You guys have give me some good ideas I may run by the owner. There is also a typical 14 point (not including stickers) I have seen there 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Last time was Monday night. I have seen that deer 6 times this year now and had him at 60 yards one day but he picked me off. I would conservatively guess him at 180". He's just a beauty. If I can't lure him into bow range I own a Knight that has a little more range for late season muzzleloader.
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