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extended storage of guns


Well-Known Member
After having the rust appear on my gun I'm worried about extended storage for it. I have a very dry place to put my gun but I'm wondering if I can put it in my case, closed, and not worry about rust reappearing.

Everything is cleaned up and will be wiped down in gun oil.

Yeah, I'm gun shy now.
I never leave mine in a case Muddy so can't tell you about that scenario.
I will share an important thing I've found through the years. A major cause of rust is oiling down a gun before it is totally dry, thus sealing in moisture. Take great care in getting the gun dry before oiling and all will be good. Metal is pourus and those pores will hold moisture. I clean mine with very hot water and that opens up the pores more. After drying with numerous patches I let it sit for another 5 minutes or so before oiling with a top quality oil.
The absolute best gun oil is whale oil. All though illegal to purchase. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif I've been also using Jojoba oil as a substitute and it works very well.
Gun was dry before I cleaned it and I only used the Knight cleaning solvent on it. Let it sit for a night and then treated it with oil. I don't have a gun cabinet so I'll have to figure out where to keep the gun while it sits.
I've heard that bore butter is BAD BAD BAD on newer stainless barrels and messy to deal with.

I can't back that up with any facts though.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm wondering if I can put it in my case, closed, and not worry about rust reappearing. </div></div>

I was told never store my gun in a case because the case will hold moister and can cause rust. Before i had my gun safe i would oil the gun good and leave it in the closet. I would oil it again in mid summer. Never had a problem with rust.
Well, these aren't facts, just one person's opinion. FWIW

From: http://www.chuckhawks.com/lies_muzzleloading.htm

Randy Wakeman

Many of the "truths" that have been parroted for many years in frontloading city are either half-truths or outright lies. It is time to set the record straight, past time, actually. Here are but a few of them, presented for your reading pleasure.

Bore Butter Seasons Barrels

That is an absurd and ridiculous notion. The notion that, in this day and age, a combination of road kill, wax, and "fresh pine scent" changes or protects the surface of a modern steel barrel in any way is without foundation. A century ago, when barrels were iron or laminated steel, good bore protectants were hard to come by.

Sure, lard, bear grease, bacon drippings, anything that was available to coat metal was better than nothing, and was used on far more than barrels. It was used on wagon wheels, hinges, and practically anything that moved to reduce friction. Some of the old "natural" lubes were outstanding, such as sperm whale oil.

Most of us don't do much whaling these days, though, and to really protect the bore of your muzzleloader you need the same properties that work on any other modern rifle barrel, such as Breakfree CLP. Bore butter is "udder balm," handy if your milk cow has a sore udder, but as far away from a high performance metal protectant as can be obtained. Hard as a rock in cold weather, runny as water in the summer, bore butter is better off thrown or flushed than inflicted on a rifle.
My mloader was returned to me after season and had a hefty dose of rust inside and out. I called a local gun expert and he said no matter what I do I will only slow the rust but once started it will always be there and will slowly progress. Stinks but I don't have a lot in the gun so I'll do my best and probably clean and re-oil every couple of months. I would rather see the gun get used than sit in the house!!

Thanks for the info on bore butter.
I have used Bore Butter for years and have not had a rust problem.
i run a patch saturated with Bore Butter down the barrel prior to long term storage.....

i hear you guys about not using it, but it has worked for me thus far.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: THA4</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have used Bore Butter for years
i hear you guys about not using it, but it has worked for me thus far. </div></div>

It works, but is it the best product? Maybe not.

I've got a tube of BB that I used for lubing maxi bullets for my old muzzle loader. It likes to shoot maxis over saboted bullets. Most maxi's come prelubed anymore. I don't use BB to protect my barrel after cleaning. I'll keep the tube of BB around as long as I have the old barrel.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: THA4</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have used Bore Butter for years and have not had a rust problem.
i run a patch saturated with Bore Butter down the barrel prior to long term storage.....

i hear you guys about not using it, but it has worked for me thus far. </div></div>

I use it too. Not sure if I buy the seasoning part but my gun will clean up really easy compared to a friend's that doesn't use it.
I currently have 5 muzzle loaders, 2 Lyman Trade Rifles, a T/C Hawken, a Knight TK2000 shotgun, and an old style Disc rifle. The Disc is stainless and all the rest are steel barrels. I have always done all my real cleaning with HOT soapy water and rinse with HOTTER clean water and used Wonder lube while the barrels were still warm but after the heat had dried them. All of them, except for the shotgun, have no problem with bore rust at all. I also believe that they all load easier and don't require as much swabbing between shots because of this barrel treatment. I have shot in some rendezvous matches, with the side-locks, where you had to shoot 20 shots and I had no problems loading or with accuracy with only swabbing once about half way through while others had trouble after only 3 or 4 shots. Some of these matches were timed and you had to load from a shooting bag and powder horn on the line so constantly swabbing the barrel cost a lot of scores. With my Knight Disc for hunting I shoot 2 Pyrodex pellets and a 250 grain T/C Shockwave bullet and can easily load multiple shots between cleaning or swabbing.

Whether this Wonder Lube or Bore Butter is good or not hasn't really been proven either way scientifically as far as I know. All of the opinions are just that opinions and there are lots of them. Muddy said that he heard the Bore Butter was really messy and hard to use and that maybe correct if not done properly. Before you put it into a barrel you must make sure that the barrel is absolutely CLEAN and DRY and preferably WARM enough to flow the lube. Just like Shovel said the barrels have pores and once the water has been dried by the heat the lube will naturally fill those pores and seal them from air and moisture as long as it remains there. Solvents are meant to break down and remove oils and fowling but will also remove the sealing lube if used especially in a cold barrel. I have used the Knight and Rusty Duck presoaked cleaning patches between days hunting when I put in a fresh load after having fired a couple shots the day before just to remove any fowling, but I don't consider that cleaning and don't reapply the Wonder Lube until I am finished and clean properly. Maybe I am just really old fashioned but this has worked well for me since I got my first ML in 1989 and as long as I can get the products I believe I will continue this routine.

As for my TK2000 I can never seem to get it clean enough and it does develop rust in the bore. The barrel is over bored and regular 12 gauge and even most 10 gauge stuff doesn't fit well and won't get it very clean. I only fire 3 or 4 shots from it per year and clean it a couple times during the summer so it doesn't bother me a lot, but if anyone knows a good way to get it really clean I would love to know. I have fitted fine steel wool around a brass brush and done the drill thing and it helps but it will still get rusty after a while.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bowmaker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">As for my TK2000 I can never seem to get it clean enough and it does develop rust in the bore. </div></div>

Me too!!
I have a helluva time getting mine clean....

that gun is the spawn of satan.....ouch

sweet shooter tho....
I think Bowmaker coverd it the best. Thanks.
As for Chunk Hawks and his expertise...............I heard he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
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