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Fall Away Rest for My Daughter


Iowa Boy At Heart
I'm taking my 9-year old daughter to south Texas for her first deer hunt this November, over Thanksgiving break. She's shooting a Hoyt Ruckus and I told her if she can pull at least 30 lbs with her bow and shoot consistently to 20 yards every shot, I'll let her sit in a ground blind on a feeder and take a deer with her bow. After a long soccer season, she's finally back to shooting and getting her form down and she's pulling right at 30 lbs. She has a form issue we're working through. She keeps flipping her bow hand to the left at the shot, pulling her shots. Its exacerbated by the Whisker Biscuit currently on her bow. I know they are fool proof, mechanically, but I've never been a big fan of them. I keep trying to talk myself into putting an inexpensive drop-away rest on her bow, but my pro-shop is encouraging me to keep it simple for her and keep the WB for now. Ultimately, I know correcting her form is more important and we're working on that but, again, I can't get the idea of putting a drop-away on there. I'm not ready to drop the $$ on a Rip Cord or QAD, but Cabela's has a Trophy Taker Xtreme drop away on sale for $45 and its tempting me, especially when I see her morale drop when I point out her form error. When she gets it right, she's flying high and I keep thinking that a drop away will help her confidence in the long run.

Any thoughts on keeping the WB or switching to a drop-away (knowing that form correction is the ultimate answer)? Much appreciated.
I would switch her over to a drop away asap, the more time to practice the better! The trophy taker is a nice drop away rest IMO.
Having gotten my wife into shooting a few years ago. The first and foremost thing is form as you stated. I would drop the weight down to whatever it took to clean up the form issues first.
I'm not a buscuit fan at all and I would put whatever rest on there that you prefer, you can always move the rest to a new bow in the future. My wife is using a qad and the rest is on her 3rd new bow.
I've shot a ripcord rest for the last 5 years on my hu ting bows and a trophy taker on my target bow.
Its all personal preferance.

Trophy taker and the nap apache are two really easy rests that come to mind.
I have a trophy take just sitting on the shelf. Not sure of the model but think it is a shakey hunter. I will mail it to you if you want to give it a try on her bow. You can have it for free and I will pay the shipping.
I would definitely switch to a drop away. If you google search qad arrow rest, there are some outlets selling them for the same price as the cabelas rest you were looking at. Cheaper Than Dirt is selling them for $45.30. Also I would look into the PSE Phantom. It isn't as fool proof, but the chances of an arrow coming out of that rest are very slim.
I have a trophy take just sitting on the shelf. Not sure of the model but think it is a shakey hunter. I will mail it to you if you want to give it a try on her bow. You can have it for free and I will pay the shipping.

That's a very generous and appreciated offer. I was talking to the guys at the shop late last week and, for now, they've got me talked out of it. They agreed that a drop away will tighten her groups up, but their big concern with a drop away on her bow is that her draw length is so short, it may not drop away in time, making matters worse. For now, we're going to stick with the WB and hammer correct form into her muscle memory! She's put 3 arrows touching with the WB when she was shooting regularly. Soccer got in the way this spring, so we've got to get her form back first and foremost. A drop away is the way to go down the road!
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