Iowa Boy At Heart
I'm taking my 9-year old daughter to south Texas for her first deer hunt this November, over Thanksgiving break. She's shooting a Hoyt Ruckus and I told her if she can pull at least 30 lbs with her bow and shoot consistently to 20 yards every shot, I'll let her sit in a ground blind on a feeder and take a deer with her bow. After a long soccer season, she's finally back to shooting and getting her form down and she's pulling right at 30 lbs. She has a form issue we're working through. She keeps flipping her bow hand to the left at the shot, pulling her shots. Its exacerbated by the Whisker Biscuit currently on her bow. I know they are fool proof, mechanically, but I've never been a big fan of them. I keep trying to talk myself into putting an inexpensive drop-away rest on her bow, but my pro-shop is encouraging me to keep it simple for her and keep the WB for now. Ultimately, I know correcting her form is more important and we're working on that but, again, I can't get the idea of putting a drop-away on there. I'm not ready to drop the $$ on a Rip Cord or QAD, but Cabela's has a Trophy Taker Xtreme drop away on sale for $45 and its tempting me, especially when I see her morale drop when I point out her form error. When she gets it right, she's flying high and I keep thinking that a drop away will help her confidence in the long run.
Any thoughts on keeping the WB or switching to a drop-away (knowing that form correction is the ultimate answer)? Much appreciated.
Any thoughts on keeping the WB or switching to a drop-away (knowing that form correction is the ultimate answer)? Much appreciated.