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Fall plot help


Active Member
Living out west I don’t get much help on my Ohio properties, unless I want to spend $500 an acre by a local “habitat guy” to have it planted, that’s without spray, lime, and fert.

Since I can’t be there to make my own mixes, does anyone have a go to blend for fall attraction? I know buck on bag seed blends are marked up but it’s the best I can do with my limited resources. Just curious what y’all reccomend?
I have a local real world distributor so wouldn’t have to pay the shipping there. Anyone have opinions on harvest salad mix for max attraction? Just wondering if anyone is in similar boat and has good blend that you don’t get crushed on shipping….
I have a local real world distributor so wouldn’t have to pay the shipping there. Anyone have opinions on harvest salad mix for max attraction? Just wondering if anyone is in similar boat and has good blend that you don’t get crushed on shipping….
I’m planting deadly dozen for the first time have you planted that before?
If you're shipping anything of much weight, it's going to be sky high.

Personally, I buy my brassica mixes online, and then cereal grains, peas, etc locally. Can mix your own. This keeps the cost reasonable, since brassica # / acre are quite small.

Albert Lea Seed, Merit Seed and Welters Seed all good quality seed options.
If you're shipping anything of much weight, it's going to be sky high.

Personally, I buy my brassica mixes online, and then cereal grains, peas, etc locally. Can mix your own. This keeps the cost reasonable, since brassica # / acre are quite small.

Albert Lea Seed, Merit Seed and Welters Seed all good quality seed options.
I do this exact thing as well. Ernst Seeds is another that has a great brassica mix
A few examples


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