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Fantastic News!!! Crime is Down Across the US!


Just walked in the house and the tv was on CBS Sunday mourning . According to the fbi and CBS crimes are way down across the US. For whatever reason perception and data conflict and crimes are actually way down.

The illegal Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes, the weekly shootings we now see in Des Moines Ia, the car jacking reports.... all a miss perception!

Crimes are actually going down! All I can say is HOLY S***. Who actually believes this!

Sickening how stupid they think the public are.
Here is a caveat- It may be true. And CBS is just reporting FBI data. Can’t really blame them. All crime is reported by local police to the FBI who gathers up all the info and creates the crime stats.

Here is the “but”. While it may be true that “reported crime” is down, sometimes that means that the crime that is occurring isn’t reported. Why would people not report crime? Because they don’t have confidence that police will investigate it. Because they feel like the courts won’t do their jobs. That nothing will happen to offenders. This is why if a police department is doing a really crappy job, sometimes crime “goes down”. It isn’t that there is less crime, it’s that people arent reporting it and if crimes arent reported, they aren’t counted.

In a similar vein, if a police department is doing a kick ass job, their crime stats can actually go up! If the public has confidence that the cops will do something, they report more crimes that they see.

The biggest thing that is going on in my opinion is cops aren’t arresting bad guys. They don’t want to get video taped and go viral. They know judges are just going to let offenders off or the worst case for the offenders is probation. They think why bother.

Just like every other story, there are a lot of nuances. Commentators and reporters should be helping us understand these stories but they just read whatever press release shows up in their inbox.
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