Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Feather vane review

Thats very neet, but I dont see that much differance from blazer to the fusion to switch.

He needed to do a cross wind test, that might be interesting.
I have never been a big SPEED advocate.It used to be my opinion when I was in competitive archery that the guys who need all that spped were the ones the couldn't judge distance worth as crap.Now that I don't do any competitive shooting any more and just hunt deer..I see no need for 340fps.20 or 25 yard shots is all I will shoot so 260 is plenty.I don't think a deer killed at 340fps is any deader than one I kill at 260fps.I worked in an archery shop for 10 years about 10 years ago.Back then 90% shot feathers.Now I believe at least 90% shoot vanes.Not because they are any more efficient but just cost reasons.You will get a lot more arrow stability out of 4'' feathers than you will out of 1' vanes.
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