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Feeder ?


Well-Known Member
I put up a corn feeder about 2 mths ago. I was getting pics of deer multiple times daily until I put it up, now 2 mths later and 6000 pics nothing but turkey's. Has anyone had similar experiences?
Yes, I had that happen the last two years with my black plastic moultrie feeder. Last season it was out a month with a Reconyx running and it only took about 10 pictures of deer. Now on a different spot this year it took 3 weeks for the deer to come to it. I run two metal feeders that they come to immediately.

The only thing I can think is that the plastic might have some type of UV brightener in it??? It definitely freaked deer out on two separate properties when the metal feeders didn't.....
I have a metal feeder that slings corn in a radius probably 10yds.. I put it up the last two yr late jan/early feb. They came to it this yr within an hour. Tons of deer around it all the time. I have it set to feed one cycle just before dark and then 3 more cycles throughout the night, that way, nothing but deer are eating the majority of it. Doesn't seem to bother them at all. They disappear for a bit when it kicks on but come right back.. my only problem is that it's a bunch of doe's. Would be nice to have some bucks using it too.
I put one out during the winter months. Usually around Christmas time until end of march. It's about 100 yards from our house so we can watch the deer. Set to go off 3x, early morning, noon and sunset.

Just about every morning when I get up there are deer around it. Midday the Turkeys get most of it. In the evening the deer come back around.

I have seen them out feeding in our field and when the feeder goes off they come running to it. Petty much all does and fawns though. Don't see many bucks on our property but working to improve it so hopefully we'll draw them in.
I have a redneck plastic 1 hole feeder that holds around 60 lbs of food, pellets ect. New this winter and I put it out at the end of Jan. in a gateway deer were using. I attached it to a post. I poured some cracked corn in front of it the first time out and it was slow the first week or two but after that it has took off. Mostly does and fawns but some shed bucks were there after awhile just more skittish than does. I can add some pictures if you want me to.
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