Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Feeling very blessed


Active Member
Find myself feeling so blessed the last couple weeks. My wife and I were blessed with our first child on Sept 6. A healthy little boy and new hunting partner Tatum Gray. You hear all of the things people say when they know you are going to have your first child. Some talk about all of the things you won't be able to do anymore. No more time for hunting, golf, and nigh outs. And then some others talk about how it will be the greatest thing that will ever happen to you.

I know one of those things is true for sure. It was one of the most unbelievable experiences and feelings I have ever had. As far as everyone saying you won't be able to do the things you always did before, maybe not be quite as much but will have just as much fan hanging out with our newest addition. Thought I would share a few pics.

I really enjoy this website and being able to learn more from guys/gals who share one of the same passions I have. Thanks to everyone who makes this site what it is.

I will cherish every minute I get out in the field this fall and hopefully my new little partner will bring me some luck and get my first buck worthy of putting on the wall. Good luck this fall everyone! It's just about here! :way:




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Congrats on the little guy! I have three of my own and I agree with both sides, you won't be able to do late nights out, but on the other side, its a blast having them around! My favorite part of the day is coming home and hearing the two older ones yell "daddy" and come running to hug me! Enjoy it!
The best blessing in the world. I would give up any hunt to hangout with my lil lady. She's only two and already loves the outdoors and checking cameras. That to me is way better then any Buck. Congrats man. Life will only get better now.
LYON said:
Congrats on the little guy! I have three of my own and I agree with both sides, you won't be able to do late nights out, but on the other side, its a blast having them around! My favorite part of the day is coming home and hearing the two older ones yell "daddy" and come running to hug me! Enjoy it!

Could not have said it better! Congrats on your son and hang on for the wild ride!
Beautiful family. Nothing but blessings for all of you. My son is now 11 and every year when its time to sign him up for school I ask to keep him in last years grade. I love to see him mature and grow into a big boy but hate it at the same time.
Congrats on your new addition! After our daughter was born it wasn't that I couldn't do the things I enjoyed before, I just had something else that I enjoyed more. Now that she is a teenager and on the go all the time I have more time to spend hunting but my favorite hunts are still the ones that she goes with me.
Congrats, my son just turned one in late May. Last year, I didn't hunt near as much, but it was well worth it. Our little boy was born with clubfeet so our first year was a very trying year. Be glad you have a healthy boy, and just like you I can't wait until he gets old enough to join me, but at the same time it his hard to imagine how quickly that time will come.
Prior to the birth of our first, I had many of the same subtle worries about not as much time for myself, blah, blah, blah. Now, 20+ years later I can tell you I can't imagine life without the 3 of them. As many have said, it is the greatest blessing you'll ever have. Enjoy every minute of it because in no time he'll be heading off to college. In addition to loving hunting, shedding and golf, I'm sure he'll also have that lightning quick crossover with the soft jump shot :D

Congrats to you and your wife...and congrats to Grandpa and Grandma as well :way:

Prior to the birth of our first, I had many of the same subtle worries about not as much time for myself, blah, blah, blah. Now, 20+ years later I can tell you I can't imagine life without the 3 of them. As many have said, it is the greatest blessing you'll ever have. Enjoy every minute of it because in no time he'll be heading off to college. In addition to loving hunting, shedding and golf, I'm sure he'll also have that lightning quick crossover with the soft jump shot :D

Congrats to you and your wife...and congrats to Grandpa and Grandma as well :way:


Thanks Dale! I hope he has some of his Grandpa's NO LOOK behind the back passes too! I might not have lightning quick crossover anymore (definitely can't dunk anymore) but that jumper won't ever go away! :way:
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