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field dressing???


my question is this: do you feel that field dressing your deer where they lay, effects that spot the rest of the year?

i started paying attention to this 3 years ago. in 2000 my brother-in-law and i were out scouting and found an amazingly heavily traveled trail through some pines, the kind of trail that when it rains the water lays in it, so this was an awesome spot to put a stand.

well as it turns out it was awesome until my BIL killed a nice 9 point and killed it dead in it's tracks with his bow(only time i have ever heard of this type of shot). anyways he died right on the heavily traveled trail. well i was in a tree not far away and he came to get me to take a look at his buck. then we field dressed the deer and took it out.

before him taking this deer, we had seen 9 different bucks and numerous does on this trail in a 2 week span(it was like they were traveling it 24/7). since he was tagged out i took over the stand and never saw a deer on this trail or even within a 100 yards of this area the rest of the year. at first i thought maybe we had left a considerable amount of human scent on the ground.

well i didn't have my question answered until the next 3 hunting seasons were over. i'll explain. in 2001 i took a nice doe early in bow season in a spot with pretty much the same type of trail, and in an area with little hunting pressure year 'round. we used to always see deer in this hollar, well after i shot the doe, although she didn't die right on the trail(about 30 yards to the west) i field dressed her and we didn't see a deer on that side of the hollar the rest of the season. in 2002, just about the same thing as the first 2.

well in 2003 when i took my buck, after i shot it, we drug it over to my 4 wheeler trail, about 100 yards away from the shot and trail(mostly flat creek bottom, not that hard of a drag). field dressed the deer, and still continued to see deer in this spot.

now i don't agree with taking them out of the woods before you field dress them(i guess it just don't make since to me). although i have a friend who for some odd reason prefers this. i don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but IMO i think there might be something to it, not saying there is, but just maybe. i truly don't believe it had anything to do with human odor, because we still didn't see any after rains, and deer do eventually become accustomed to a particular spot again that they felt comfortable in before. so i think me field dressing my buck from 2003 off the main trail a little bit kept the deer using this trail. maybe maybe not? just wondering
my dad guted a deer on a trail and my brother shot "at" a buck about 10 yards from where he gutted it. So i dont know.
I have never had a problem with it. Do a little more research and the next time you gut a deer, put a trailcam on it immediatly......I'd be willing to bet at least one deer stops by to eat on it (not the offal, the rumen contents).
I have a certain stand set up that I shoot deer out of every year, last year I killed a smaller 7pt which was gutted less than 10 yards from the trail, and a few weeks later I killed a 136" that walked right down the same trail. In the past there have been many deer (does mostly) killed out of this stand all in the same year within a few days to a couple of weeks. I take new people to the sport to set in this spot, and most generally they are in the stand less than three nights and kill a doe at least. All of them are field dressed near the tip over location.

I dont think there is any significant hinderance with this. My guess is the deer you spoke of just changed patterns due to rut or feeding.

I asked the same ? last year and got the same answer's.I really do not think that it bother's the deer but if I'm able to move them at all I try to get them away from the area as much as possible.
The property I hunt with my in-laws has a stand that we affectionately call "Grandpa's Stand." I hunted it the 3rd day of shotgun season last winter with 4 gut piles laying in the funnel in front of me. I added the 5th and 6th that morning as two does came walking through. This happens every year at this stand.
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