Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Final Preparations

my final preparationg is learning how to sleep again because i cant im so excited, and doing great on school while thinking of big bucks, good thing the professors dont get smart and really try to fool yah and put booner as a fake answer LOL more on a serious note, im just gonna shoot some does and get the itch out of my system and then watch deer movement and try to get them patterned before the rut. goodluck this year guys!!!
Ain't it funny how you think you've got it all together and then the night B4 opening morning it still seems there's so much 2B done?
I'm ready. Sharpend my old BH's last weekend and loaded the quiver.

Dug last years unused anysex tag out of my backpack.(It did not taste that good, should have cooked it sooner

I'm just going to saturate everything with "Wheat in Heat" so they will know their best friend is back in the woods to play.

I did Pull a loose thread on my hunting pants this week and a pocket button fell off, so all I need to do is get it sewn back on or duct tape it shut.

Happy Trails.......
Final preparations are still a considerable list for me. I can't put in the last two stands until opening day! Whats that tell ya. I don't like the thought of it but the pay off could be well worth it.
i'm ready for the most part for the Iowa Bow Season, today i went to hang my last stand that i never thought i would hang, or i would of hung it along time ago. well i couldn't get the damn thnig tight enough so i have to sneak back in their toamrow and put a ratchet strap on the darn thing. i hate to do it, because i wanted to leave the land alone until Wed. night when i plan on shooting my doe- i have a doe tag- or even better shooting the buck that all my neighbors wont shut up about!! so after i put that strap on my stand toamrow, i think i'll shoot a couple more arrows and i'll be set. i just put all my cloths, boots, hats, bags, in a rubbermade tub tonight and opened up my EARTH SCENT its a lil circle thing it smells like dirt, its a pretty good cover up i believe. i think i might be sich.... sick Wed. so i can go hunting and NOT go to school
but i get outta school at 3:10 and plan on being in my stand before 4 that day. its getting dark so early now, I LOVE IT. WELL GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE THIS SEASON.I hope everyone fills their tags, and their dreams in the 2003-2004 bow season!!!
Well today I got home and took all my arrows out of the quiver, cleaned them up a bit and put in my arrows for this season. Then I shot awhile in our building and then grabbed the heads and shot into the ditch. Used the range finder and set leaves out at 30, 35 and 40 yards. Moved one pin just a touch. Feeling pretty good about the upcoming season.

Then I measured the bow rope on the climber and marked off a 20 ft marker. It is a 29 foot rope - not crazy about hunting higher than that like some...

Also got some pipe insulation and put on the arms of the climber. Should work excellent as insultion from the metal for cold and noise. Think it is a very nice lightweight modification.

Oh yea... Ready to roll...
I still have a very busy next couple days. I did some roadside scouting this evening. I parked early and watched a group of 5 bucks come out, 3 shooters. Every thing looked good until 45 seconds after they appeared a passer by hit the brakes and pulled onto the shoulder suddenly and sent the boys running back into the woods. So much for setting up early. Guess who maggs... The curly headed junk man!
You gotta stay off that highway! You'll have everybody and their brother onto them! Are you addicted? Maybe you should go to Big Bucks Annonymous this week. Maggs
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