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Finally a good Rain

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Its been so dry here in Northeast Iowa. We recieved a shower on Monday enough to wet the dust. Today were finally getting a steady rain.
Few pictures from last night.
Moving my deer shanny to its new cornfield location. Wanted to get it there before the corn starts coming up. I can keep it at 80 dgrs. when its -5 out. Its just like being in your house! Carpet floors, cushioned chair, and hardwood trim. Sometimes the deer even want to get in. I have had deer licking the sides and even rubbing there heads on the sides.
The other picture is my brother and his girlfriends little boy disking up one of the corn plots. Our last one to plant.



I love ground blinds. My kids and I do all of our bowhunting and mloader hunts from permanent and pop up blinds. I would tie that blind down though.It's gonna take some wind. Looks great. What are the inside measurements?
6x6 I think the inside measurements are 5 ft by 5ft. Two people can sit in it just fine but a little tight. I built it in 2007 and it has gone through some serious storms even with me in it and never went over. I moved it to the highest part of the farm overlooking 1 acre of corn so I am going to tie it down before its laying on its side.

This is the baby shanny my brother has built a new one that you could sleep in. He even bought a furnace that is just like the one in our houses. I just shake my head, but he is going to have the two little boys in there and has even talked about sleeping in there so he doesn't have to sneak in there in the mornings. We have two other shannys. I believe the one I post a picture of is 6 ft by 6 ft. with the deck. The deer don't even care even the old bucks. You paint them black inside and put a curtain over the back window and they can't even see ya. I've had deer sniff the window sill like a foot away from me and never even see me or smell me in the little shanny.
6x6 do you use heaters in your blinds? We use Mr. Buddy heaters with the tanks outside. Works slick.
Looks awesome! I love hunting outta blinds. I'm fine in -20 degrees and I'm no where close to needing a heater. That does sound really nice though! So fun to spend all those weeks & months in a stand and then head to those cozy blinds come late season. Looks great, hope you shoot a giant outta that rascal!
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