Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Finally a great weekend day what did everybody get done?


Bummer i am home sick today and it has totally bumbed me out. It looks so nice outside finally. Hope everybody else had a good day. wish i was out there.
This morning I watched a buddy of mine shoot a gobbler rested for a bit then put a coat of stain on one of our homemade deer blind/condos. Spent the rest of the day with the wife. Tommorrow spending time with my wifes family then to the farm to see my mom and then were going to move one of our homemade deer blinds to over look a new cornfield. Maby look for a few mushrooms if we have time.
I hope your feeling better spltbrow.
To all Mothers have a Happy Mothers Day!
Oh man, terrible day to be sick. Hope you're feeling better! I had a great day with the kids. We went out and sprayed Round up on a new food plot. Rode around on the ATV and then walked around with my boys with the BB gun along a creek as they looked for frogs big enough to produce some legs to fry. Lastly, I made Momma happy and went to the Tulip Time night parade.:eek:

All in all a great day that finally felt like spring!:way: Hope to disc the plot later this week.
Sprayed my backyard alfalfa plot with select max, changed oil in the 4 wheeler, split some wood with the brand new 25 ton splitter, started packing for AT for the guard, oh and finally dumped the remains of a turkey I shot the second day of 4th season out of a bucket that was sitting infront of my house... whewww! Hope ya feel better!
Awesome weekend! Got my food plot in. Fyi... the disc pictured is for sale PM me if anyone is interested. Pulls hard!!!


Spent most of the weekend planting a garden, but have had my food plot in for 3 weeks now. Finally getting some rain again today, anxious to see how everything is coming up.
I took Friday off to go tureky hunting after hearing it was going to be so nice out. Got up at 4 and drove the 30 miles to my hunting ground. About two miles from where I was going to hunt I hit an F'n deer and totaled my jeep! So needless to say that pretty much ruined my weekend. Don't know if I am going to be bale to make it back out again...
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