Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Finally first turkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well after five years of turkey hunting and never getting a bird i was about ready to just give up and settle with the fact that i am a bad turkey hunter...

This morning i got out there really early because i wanted to hunt out of my Double Bull Matrix, i got out there early so i could sneak in and not be so worried about how much noise i make. After i was set up i climbed in and waited for the first gobble, it didn't take long. About 5:45 i heard a gobble about 100 yards to my left, and i thought to my self not bad, its only 100 yards. Well by 6:00 there was 5 different gobblers gobbling all around me. At about 6:10 there was a hen clucking to me left about 40 yards in the thick stuff that you cant even see into. She left and went quiet shortly after. So i was a little bumed cause i always like to watch turkeys and i thought that she may come out and put on a show! Then then my buddy that was with me said "you hear that" i was like no what? I looked up the fence line and there he was, 60 yards out and running into the decoy but on the wrong side of the fence. After zig zaggin about 10 times up and down the fence line to find a hole he succeded. He litteraly ran to my decoy and i dropped him hard. So i went over to the fence while the bird was expiring just to see where he was able to get through the fence. About 2 feet up on the fence there was a hole about 12"X12" that he somehow jumped up and squeezed through. I couldn't believe how bad he wanted my decoy! Here are a cuple of picture for ya.

WOW forgot the specs of him

Weight- 22LBS
Spurs - 3/4"
Beard - 10 1/2"

Score= 58 i think. (if i did it right)

Persistance pays off. Every now and then a blind squirrel finds a acorn. Hopefully your drought dont last as long in the coming years
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