finally it is time for me to head for the great state of mizzery. to get the buck i shot with a bow last yr. the first one every i will post pics when i get home on satday...
I hate waiting, I am going to bust now that you all have started talking about getting yours back. I can't wait to see everybodies as they start coming back. Maybe we should start a 2003 mount thread in the harvest report.
hey yall got home thus after noon and my buck looks great. and ill will have my pics up soon .....ironwood i didnt shoot this one this yr i shot it oct 18 2002 and am just now getting it back he took for ever but it was awsome. my computers being gay so i need to download my camera stuff again so ill try to get pics as soon as i can
Really great looking mount! That is the same form I chose for this years deer. That is a beautiful trophy and it looks to me that your taxidermist did a great job. What are the specifics?
That is a pretty good looking mount. I see that you have a State Wrestling T-shirt on. Did you wrestle at the State tournament? or just get the t-shirt? I am from k'ville. i wrestled 145 at the tourney. But anyways, nice looking deer. What did it score?
iron wood. this mount was done in the great state of mizzery. but the guy that did this one dose the stuff for bass proshop and cabelas. i found him through an ex girlfriend its her cusin. but the price was 375. for the plack behind it and a name plate and the mount. also i had the rear hoof done for a gun rack that will hold my bow beneath it sence i got a new one this yr.. but hes from hanibal missouri and i shot my buck in boone county. and if u guy want to take a closer look you all are more then welcom if u want some info on the taixdermist.
Anybody else's mount have a somewhat bad smell to them? Mine does it smells almost like a locker room(or something like it). I was thinking that it was probably the glue or something. the bad thing is that it has made my room smell like it.
Mark that's not right. I'd be talking to my taxidermist about that. Did you just get it back or how long did you have it befor eit started smelling? Did your wife dope it to get it out of the house.
Just kidding, but I would really talk to the taxidermist that did the work.
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