Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Well the season started out by me not being able to go opening morning so my opening day was on tuesday...got all set up with the double bull, put out 2 hens and a jake and waited for daylight to come...before long I could see a dozen birds or so roosted about 300 yds from me so everything was going according to plan...birds were going nuts on the roost from every direction around me...watched them all fly out into the winter wheat field I was in and they would gobble every so often...next thing you know I'm getting bombarded by 2 toms behind me...1 went to my left at about 75 yds and the other one would only strut his stuff right outside of bow range...then 3 jakes come running right in front of this strutting tom right to the dekes...they stick around for a bit and I'm thinking that they are going to piss this tom off by taking his hens but I was wrong...he just sat put strutting and showing himself off before turning around and leaving an hour later...the birds that were roosting in front of me finally show up only to have the hens pull the gobbler away from me because they didn't want anything to do with the "hens" I had out...ended up packing out and called it a day at 8:30 so I could salvage the rest of the day at work (had an hour drive in front of me)....This morning I set up about 75 yds from where I did yesterday only to have the birds roosting in the same tree (which is nice)They were going crazy again this morning and finally fly down at 6:20...this time I left the dekes in the backpack...had a hen feed past me which brought the 2 toms closer and closer...1 of them stayed behind while the other one couldn't resist where that lone hen was...he was spitting and drumming the whole way...take 5 steps then fan out again...Finally, at 18 yds I let him have it with the 125 gr. Muzzy...From that point I didn't know if I made a good hit or not because the SOB took off flying...peek out of the double bull and I thought that he was flying alittle funny when he made a sudden tumble out of the air 200 yds later!! Ended up being 24 lbs, 1" hooks and sported a 10 1/4" beard...Busch lite and turkey fillets on the grill tonight!!
Great Story!!!
Congratulations on a solid kill
any pix???email them to me and ill post them for you
would love to see em
Thanks for sharing a great story!!!

Glad he fell out of the air within sight!

I had that happen two times when I shot Muzzys.....try big expandables and you won't have to chase them as often.
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