Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



A Few Steps Ahead Of You
I don't put much stock in the 15 day forecast, but I still look at it. I was told by a wise whitetail'r once that a dry cold front preceded by big winds in very early November really gets things going.....

Well, it appears that we are going to have just that! They are calling for sustained winds in the 35-45 MPH department tomorrow, (October 26th), with occasional gusts nearing 60 MPH.... Not what I would call treestand weather.... but a 15 degree drop in temperature will come as a result. Not to mention the magic of the final 3 days of October....

Things are going to start hitting the dirt and if you have been holding off due to the weather, time to starting hitting it hard might be over the next couple of days!!!

Good Luck!!!
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Went out yest morn and evening and the deer are def moving!! Small bucks are coming in to bleats and grunts. The big boys didn't pay attention to them yet. Seen 2 really nice bucks on there feet about 5pm last night. seen 15-20 deer total. My cousin missed a nice one in the am and seen 6 bucks total that morn. It should be really good hunting this week! Heading out tonight, can't wait!!!!!!!:way:
Hear it comes...

I also had great success with the grunt call this weekend. Although the big dogs aren't responding yet, every grunt brought in 1-2 smaller bucks. It is only a matter of time. Without putting to much on the 5 day forecast, Friday looks great...sunny, low wind, and very cool. It may be a great day to take off work and spend all day in the stand.
Sat for a few hours yesterday evening. Didn't see anything up until about the last 15-20 minutes of shooting light. A 3.5 yr old 8pt came in chasing 2 does and made a scrape all at about 60 yds. He wouldn't respond to any calls, however, the calls I threw at him called in a real nice 2.5 yr 9pt to within 10 yds. He snort-wheezed twice, made 3 scrapes and a rub. Those are the first two bucks I've seen all season and all I have gotten on trail cams are some scrawny little 1.5 yr olds. I would say things are really starting to kick off and last night was a pretty big confidence boost for me.
I saw some chasing last night as well, a forkhorn and probaly a 2.5 year old 8 point were chasing around half a dozen does. Next weekend should be fantastic with the colder weather and the moon becoming darker.
Rattled in a good one tonight and grunted one in friday both on a line to under 20 yards. That makes 2 130ish deer this weekend. First "bigger" deer since opener.
Tomorrow's forecast for here is 50 mph winds and snow. I should have planned to leave a few days earlier.
Duck hunting in the morning, then I work at night the next few days. Then I'm off Saturday-Tuesday. I'll definitely be up in the tree several times during my days off. After next Tuesday, I probably don't have another day off until mid-week the following week so I need to try to make something happen. Hopefully NOT another swing and a miss.
Did any of you guys hunt last night? Just wondering if the deer were hitting the fields in the wind before dark?

Went this morning and hunted a field edge in a little southwest pocket on a bean field. I usually hunt up on top of the hill over another field but with the wind I decided it would be better to get down where there isn't as much wind. Got in the stand at 5:30. Had a buck walk out into the field at 5:45. He stopped for a few bites of beans and kept walking. I couldn't tell the size. Just could see the white barely. Then a doe came out and fed for about 15 minutes and yelled at me 5 or 6 times. She kept eating and walked towards me. Then walked back into the timber where she came from. 6:30 had a big buck come out about 20 yards from me. He was past the ears but I couldnt see his points just the main frame. Still a little too dark. Hopefully they come back out tonight or a little later tomorrow morning.
the deer were on their feet.... expecting the same tonight!
If you are in the stand this afternoon, you better be wearing your harness!
I better invest in a harness soon. Been reading too many bad articles in the paper about falls.

Thanks for the info Thomas. It's about to get really good.
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