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Finding a new picture in the gallery


PMA Member
One Cam,
Or anybody else with the knowledge for that matter. Is there a quicker way to find a new picture in the albums than go page by page looking for the posters name?? I see there are several new ones in shed antlers but I can't spend my entire day at work looking through the 14+ pages
the boss man may get an idea something is going on.
If there is a quicker way already there and I don't know it
please let me know.
Husker, I just go to the Photo Gallery and scroll down to recent posts section (usually 8 of the latest photos) This may work now but when things perk up it may not. I check it once a day just to see if anyone has any goodies to share. Not much help here......just a suggestion.
Thanks Rudd
.... Now that I inspected it a bit closer I see that I totally missed the sort by pull down.
Guess that's what I get for going to bed after midnite and then getting up at 5am to go fishing.
Guess at least the fish were biting.
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