Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First 2 mounts finished


Well-Known Member
These are my first 2 mounts after taking Joe Meder’s class in February. After paying for the tanning and materials I have about $300 invested for both mounts along with around 10 hours of my time. All I see are the flaws, but the buddy I did them for is happy with them. My work should only get better with time and practice. I have 3 more to do this summer and sure hope I get the opportunity at a shooter buck this fall to mount. If anyone here is thinking about taking Joe’s class someday I’d be happy to talk with you about it.


My buddy that i do taxidermy for took his class a couple years ago.helped alot on the finish work.he said it was well worth it.

mounts look great.
No info on his website about about cost or availablity. Sure looks like a first rate opportunity if you have the dsire to learn the art.
How much was his class and how long? I went to Matuskas for taxidermy school and in all it cost me about $10,000 all said and done with. It would be nice to take Joe's class someday to pick up on some extra techniques.
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