Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First Bird


Well-Known Member
With school, work, walleyes biting, mushrooms popping and shed hunting I've never been interested or willing to put in the time to Turkey hunt. (BIG MISTAKE). This year some buddies from school talked me into going. I decided 3rd season would be the season that would work best for me. Wednesday I wouldn't be able to go because of class so Thursday morning bright and early buddy and I hit the woods. The birds were hot to say the least, we heard several birds off in the distance so we figured we better make a move before it got to light out. We set up on some birds who were roosted down the ridge and across a creek. We were hoping that the birds would come down from roost and fly across the creek because we knew there was no way we could get them to come across after they were already down. Our plan seemed to perfect and the birds didn't cooperate to say the least. They hit the ground and shut up immediately. I had lab at 9 o'clock so i booked it back to Ames. All day all i could think about was turkeys ha ha.

Called my buddy and talked him into buying his 3rd season tag and going too since the birds were so hot. On our way to the field we spotted a bird out in the corn field and couldn't tell what it was for sure, so that was a promising site. We got set up in a clearing 300 yards or so from were we'd seen the bird in the cornfield. We figured that the birds would have to make there way back this way since we set up right under their roost tree. Got the pretty boy with a jake fan set up with some feeding hens. It was a perfect set up, you could see for 80 yards in every direction smack dab in the middle of the property. My buddy did some soft calling and we just sat tight. We figured they'd start gobbling around 7 or so, so we didn't wanna over call. Within 10 minutes of calling out of NO WHERE appeared a bird. At first I couldn't tell how big or if it was a tom at all. Once he broke the hill there was NO doubt it was a big ol' Tom. He got within 60 yards and saw the Jake and immediately broke into a strut. After he came out of it he v-lined it right to the jake and payed no attention to the hens. He spit drummed right in from of the decoy at 15 yards and it was the first time i got to witness that so that was pretty neat. After he put on the show he moved behind the decoy stuck his head into and through the jake fan and met his maker. Big thanks to my buddies for the great experience, I can definitely say that I'm HOOKED FOR LIFE.

23lbs 10inch beard, 1, 1/4inch spurs




Thanks guys, I figured with this being my first bird and all that I should pry take a bunch of photos. And on top of that I had some great guys helping me out, quiet the experience, something that I'll never forget.
It's great to see some familiar faces on a harvest post. Congratulations Josh ! Next season you'll have to try to get one with a bow.

Like you stated, it has never seemed to work out for me to hunt the gobblers as well. This year won't work either. Too many grad events in the next 3-4 weekends between CJ and BJ. Coaching soccer on Sat. each weekend also. Maybe next spring.
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Thanks Brent, I totally understand how it feels. This was the first year were I felt like i could go (no sports) and was willing to go. I actually think I'm gunna try 4th season with my bow so we'll see how that goes.
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