Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First Bow Kill


PMA Member
For a variety of reasons, my son wasn't quite able to get his first deer with a bow this season. As a result, I think he has kind of an itchy trigger finger :D While I was making supper he was out shooting hoops and came running in asking if he could take his bow after a rabbit near the grove behind the house. "Season's still open" was my reply. It was only a few minutes and he came in the back porch with his first bow kill...anyone got a good rabbit recipe??


Nice shooting! I like to roll in flour and brown in skillet. Then put in oven with taters, carrots, and onions. Yummmmmm! :way:
I shoot them in my backyard with my bow, skin 'em, and put them in the crock pot to cook overnight. I then take the meat off the bones and save the broth. I put the broth in a mason jar and the meat in some tupperware containers. Whenever I feed my dog I take a little bit of the meat and broth and mix it in with his dog food day until my supply is depleated. Obviously, my dog goes bonkers when I shoot a "garden demon".
My first bow kill was a rabbit as well. Sometimes thats all it takes to get hooked. Congrats to him!
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